A Vision for Set-Apart Motherhood

Let me start by setting the scene...
Big toddler is running around the house in his "fast shoes", taking the occasional break to jump off the couch. Little toddler chases me into the kitchen, latches on to my legs and screams the entire time I am trying to get supper finished.

Finally I sat down on the floor and zoned out staring at the cupboard doors, thinking "How am I supposed to get anything done! I give up." (while little toddler is climbing me like a mountain)

Fast-forward to later that evening. Supper in the field was followed by the usual bedtime routine and then lights out for the kiddos. Big toddler went willingly and the little one took some coercing. 

With likely a dramatic sigh, I sat down in bed and opened up Facebook. (Mistake #1: Looking at Facebook while emotionally drained.) The first post on the feed was by a new mom and it portrayed a Pinterest-worthy scene of orderliness, peace and control.

Ugh! My mouth didn't say it but my mind thought, "Just wait 'til you have toddl-..." 

Wait. Did I just starting thinking that terrible thought-sentence?!

I caught myself red-handed in the sin of PRIDE mixed with a little envy, I suppose.

Yuck. I felt terrible. I repented. And then I remembered. 

I remembered all the hurt the "just wait" statements have caused in my life as a new wife, as a mom-to-be, as a first-time mom and now as a mom of two little ones.

Those unhelpful words made me fear what was to come and, when the time came, there was nothing to fear in the first place. 

As Susie Larson shares in the "Set-Apart Motherhood" interview with Leslie Ludy, the "just wait" statements place a burden on the younger moms that they don't have the grace yet to carry. They don't have the grace to walk through the future experiences because they aren't there yet! 

God gives us the grace we need for exactly where we're at and His grace is sufficient for us indeed (2 Corinthians 12:9).

After feeling disheartened by the discouraging statements of those more experienced moms, I told myself I would be different. I prayed that God would keep me grounded even when I was a "veteran mom" some day.

I'm still no veteran mom but my mission remains the same: I am here to encourage, NOT burden, the hearts of other women. It's just I need to the Holy Spirit to refocus me again. And again. And again.

After relistening to Ludy and Larson's "Set-Apart Motherhood" broadcast, I prayed that God would give me a fresh vision for a set apart life. (P.S. I highly recommend you take a listen to this podcast!)

So what does that look like?

My Vision for Set Apart Motherhood

I have a feeling God will continue to shape my vision for motherhood as we move from season to season. Having His vision on my heart helps me to stay grounded even on those "sitting on the kitchen floor staring at the cupboards" sort of days.

Living as a set apart mother means...

Saying NO to pride.
Saying YES to my identity in Christ.

Saying NO to comparison.
Saying YES to encouraging.

Saying NO to judging.
Saying YES to joy.

Saying NO to dwelling on the trials in my life.
Saying YES to living in victory.

Saying NO to self-pity.
Saying YES to gratitude.

Saying NO to constant busyness.
Saying YES to savoring moments.

Saying NO to fear of the unknown.
Saying YES to trusting in God's sovereignty.

Saying NO to the world's values.
Saying YES to God's vision for my life and my family.

There is a better way to life than what the world shows us. Motherhood is a beautiful and challenging privilege that the Enemy cannot be allowed to overshadow with bitterness, fear and resentment.
Know that the Lord has set apart His faithful servant for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him. PSALM 4:3
Here's to God's grace, the joy and honor of being a mother and a new day in the set apart life. All for the glory of God!

"What a privilege to be entrusted with these children — I'm not primarily doing this for my happiness, I'm doing this for the glory of God. When you're doing it only for your own happiness you become resentful of those challenges." Leslie Ludy
Linking up with Mommy Moments.


  1. SO beautiful Amy! It is so amazing how quick we are to judge and compare ourselves to other mamas. We all have our own journey to travel and how much more helpful when we can help and encourage each other. What a great vision God has given you!! We fear so much of the future and yet you are right, God's grace is always there for us and it's never as bad as we imagine!


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