Who Inspires You to Live Healthy?

Happy last day of March! We're one day closer to spring-like weather and I love it. Today is an inspirational Tuesday on the Fit Dish link-up with the [optional] topic: To INSPIRE means to influence or impel. While the opposite of inspire is to discourage, dishearten, depress, deaden. (Thanks, dictionary.com ) Life isn't always full of positive inspiration. Often, lies or hurtful words can sneak into our minds. Things like you're never going to make it, why even try, just give up, you're crazy, you can't do that, you're just wasting your time, what does it matter anyway! We all battle some sort of negative thoughts on a daily basis. To combat those negative thoughts, we can choose to think of whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things (Philippians 4:8). Hold closely those special people who inspire you; who mot...