Birth Day Prepping + Greek Yogurt Pancakes

May is one day away and pregnancy week 34 is nearing its end! Here are a few things happening in our house this week: We had an appointment with our midwife and the homebirth kit arrived that same day! I feel like I haven't done anything to prepare for our baby this time - no nursery decorating, no baby clothes buying, no crib or carseat shopping. To feel like I have "done something", I sorted through the newborn cloth diapers a friend is borrowing me. Aren't those Blueberry diapers adorable?! Baby is growing... a lot. Here is my "weight gain progress" photo. That's something new, huh? From week 5 to week 35, baby/my body has done some major growing - like 20 lbs. worth! It's completely amazing how God has made a woman's body to grow new life. I feel surprisingly comfortable at this point, though I look like I'm smuggling a football under my shirt. This baby is carrying all out front, just like Mr. E. Freezer meals are work ...