
Showing posts from February, 2014

Real Strong Women

Pinterest is awesome. I'm a frequenter of the "Health & Fitness" boards because, well, I suppose I'm passionate about health and fitness. I'm noticing more and more that there is an ungodly obsession with being a "strong, independent, and powerful" woman. One Pinterest image I saw related the marathon was "Never underestimate the strength of a woman. Never f*** with one who runs 26.2 miles for fun." I enjoy running 26.2 miles "for fun", but would never want to be included in that quote's generalization. I have more accurate text to go with that Pinterest image I mentioned... "Never underestimate the stubborness of a woman who runs 26.2 for fun. " Running a marathon doesn't necessarily mean you are super strong. In my case, I'm just a stubborn Scandinavian that likes shiny medals, the runner's high, and staying in shape :) The world's concept of a strong woman is seriously delusional. They...

Self-Control, Strength, Stretching

Today I'm memorizing Galatians 5:22-23 which lists the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The verses of the Bible aren't just useful for Sunday morning church and they aren't just for the "super religious people". God's Word carries over into everything in our lives and His Truth is available to everyone ! I desire for all of the fruits of the Spirit to be evident in my life and self-control has really stood out to me lately. But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! GALATIANS 5:22-23 I need self-control for everything in my day! Reading my Bible on those days when I don't feel like it, spending quiet time in prayer, loving and serving my family, eating healthy, making time for exercise... you name it. So much in life requires self-control! Are there certain areas in your life that require more self-contro...

Burpees and Bananas

It's amazing how much joy the sunshine can bring. We were blessed with three 35°F days in a row! E has been enjoying his first snowy adventures. He wants Leo and I to walk him everywhere and, if we keep this up too much longer, we're going to be permanently hunchbacked! We even snuck out for a 5-mile jogging stroller run yesterday in the snow. That run definitely counted for strength training and cardio... my arms were jello afterwards! The BOB Ironman stroller is such a beast in the messy snow; it's probably the best invention for running moms EVER. When we reached the 5-mile mark, I was a sweaty mess and E was sound asleep. I forgot how to dress when it's 35°F above zero! My body just isn't used to this heat :) I hope it sticks around for a while... 500 Burpees Down Along with playing outside, we've been burpee-ing a lot. Well, more so I've been burpee-ing. Leo is doing some now and then and E is usually attacking me while I...

Peace of a Run

This week's topic for Motivation Monday is "Favorite Cardio" and I bet you already have a hunch of what mine is. Running. It's my all-time favorite because it's so simple, you can run pretty much anywhere, and the time spent with just God, you, and the road is perfect for prayer and reflection. While running, I just think... a lot . Sometimes I write in my head (that sounds weird). I repeat my memory verses and I feel so thankful to see where God has taken me and my family and where He is leading us now. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the Strength of my heart and my Portion forever. PSALM 73:26 Enjoying the peace Over the weekend, Leo, E, and my mom watched the Olympics while I headed out for a quiet 6-mile run. Running is an escape from this ultra-busy and hurried world. Hurry here, hurry there. Do this, do that. To-do lists, planning, and calendars. They can all be good things, but sometimes I miss the peace and quiet. Growing up on a s...


No, I'm not pregnant ;) I'm talking about the daily cravings. We all crave something whether it's food or non-food! For me, carbs (too bad I don't crave vegetables) or, for a non-food, people's approval. I learned this week is that God actually made us to crave. God made us to crave Him, and Him alone! I'm two chapters into Lysa Terkeurst's book "Made to Crave" and it's really changing the way I think about food and healthy living! Seriously, God cares about that stuff?! He sure does! God never intended for us to want anything more than we want Him. Lysa asks the reader this question: Is it possible we love and rely on [insert your craving here] more than we love and rely on God? What is my source of joy, my reward, my comfort, my happiness? If it's not God, then I've got a problem. As Lysa says, "I craved food more than I craved God" . Personally, I have craved worldly desires more than God for the majority of ...

Motivation Monday - Healthy Valentine's Dinners

I can't believe it's already Monday again! The weekends fly by so fast, but I'm thankful Leo made it home safely after drill. Today is another round of Motivation Monday and we're sharing "Healthy Valentine's Dinners". Leo and I are actually planning to go out for Valentine's Day supper. On a DATE (!) while Mr. E spends the evening with Grandma. Though it's only Monday, I already know what I'm going to order for supper! For our Valentine's date, I'm looking forward to a Ham & Cheese Sandwich on Naan Bread and probably a pickle on the side. YUM! This happens to be the same meal I had while I was unknowingly in labor with E. Despite the contractions, I remember the food being absolutely delicious. Since I'm not making our Valentine's supper myself, here is a tasty dessert recipe for Blonde Puppy Chow that I will also be making this week. I have to be careful not to make this too often! This could easily be Valentine...

TRUTH Day 07: The Ultimate Marathon

My Women's Bible study group is studying the book "Choose Joy" by Kay Warren and, though we're only two weeks in, I will already say it has been life-changing. My view of Jesus has been very skewed in the past, as I've seen Him as more of a sad, stern character than a joyful person. Jesus was actually a Man of joy and this Man had a sense of humor, too! Last week's study presented the verse Hebrew 12:2 and helped me to see it in a new light. Take a read below: Do you see what this means - all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running - and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed - that exhilarating finish in and with God - he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And now...

TRUTH Day 06: Be Joyful, Pray Continually, Give Thanks

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16-18 I've found that actually drawing out the verses helps me to remember them! It's a little hard to do when E is climbing me, but I tell myself it's okay if the drawings aren't perfect :) Being Joyful Joy is a whole lot deeper than the emotion of happiness, which depends on outward circumstances. True Christian joy reflects an inner peace and delight in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the blessing that flows from our relationship with Them. How awesome is God's immeasurable love for us, what Christ has done for us, and ultimately what is in store for those who remain faithful to Him! Praying Continually In the 2014 resolutions post , I mention that growing as a "prayer warrior" is one of my goals this year. God has revealed so much to me about what prayer is and how to do it. What I've lea...

Oatmeal + Winter Fitness

For Motivation Monday , I'm sharing my latest favorite healthy snack. "Moroccan Oatmeal" is one of the easy breakfast recipes I added to our meal planning schedule this month. What is your favorite healthy breakfast recipe? 1/2 cup oats + Greek yogurt + dates + raisins + coconut + a little milk = Moroccan oatmeal Sunlight is Amazing! Despite the unusual cold of this winter, I was really excited to fit in a 4-mile and a 6-mile run this weekend! Maybe my tiny amount of exposed skin even got a tan. One can only hope. After I got in from both of those runs, I had a bowl of Moroccan oatmeal to warm up because my body always "thinks" it's starving after a workout. Problem is, a little boy wants to eat my oatmeal, too. Next time I'm adding a little extra oats to my bowl to account for sharing with E ;) YAY sunlight!!! Both of the runs went really well and I know I need to fit more outdoor runs in along with treadmill running. Running outs...