Real Strong Women

Pinterest is awesome. I'm a frequenter of the "Health & Fitness" boards because, well, I suppose I'm passionate about health and fitness. I'm noticing more and more that there is an ungodly obsession with being a "strong, independent, and powerful" woman. One Pinterest image I saw related the marathon was "Never underestimate the strength of a woman. Never f*** with one who runs 26.2 miles for fun." I enjoy running 26.2 miles "for fun", but would never want to be included in that quote's generalization. I have more accurate text to go with that Pinterest image I mentioned... "Never underestimate the stubborness of a woman who runs 26.2 for fun. " Running a marathon doesn't necessarily mean you are super strong. In my case, I'm just a stubborn Scandinavian that likes shiny medals, the runner's high, and staying in shape :) The world's concept of a strong woman is seriously delusional. They...