Does baking count as cross-training?

E's baby muffin stash is near gone, so we made "Baby Banana Bread Biscuits" this morning. These biscuits are so good that I need to keep myself from eating them! I had been buying E the Gerber Graduates® Lil' Biscuits and he really liked them. Then I thought why not make homemade biscuits that are less preservative-filled and don't cost $2.00 for 18 biscuits? Now, really, does baking count as cross-training?... I'm kidding, a little ;) E has been a stubborn boy today and refused to go down for his morning nap. Working out with E awake is possible, but usually a bit messy. He is a trouble magnet! I'm going to do a 4-mile hill run and a strength circuit this afternoon. Today it is 2°F - ABOVE ZERO!!! - and sunny. Maybe I will wait until Leo is home and run outside. I can't help but dream of running outside with E in the jogging stroller again. I really miss that! And sun... fresh air... and stuff. If you exercise, when do you fit it into your da...