
Showing posts from May, 2015

Homemade Caramel Cinnamon Rolls

I am taking a little siesta from writing while we are in this early time of adjusting to life as a family of four. I will post now and then as I have this recipe and a product review to share with you next month. Oh, and in case you hadn't heard the news, take a second to meet Baby W ! In an earlier post , I mentioned that I made my first batch of caramel rolls for Mother's Day and they were a success! Here is the recipe I used: Caramel Cinnamon Rolls Rolls: Frozen or fresh, homemade bread dough 1 cup white sugar, mixed with 2 Tablespoons cinnamon Topping: 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream Start out with a batch of homemade bread dough (I use a version of this recipe ). Don't allow bread to rise. Break off into bun-sized pieces and roll in the white sugar-cinnamon mixture. Place rolled dough in greased baking pan. After all of the dough has been broken into pieces and rolled in cinnamon sugar, set rolls aside and make topping. Melt the...

Meet Baby W!

Here is a quick intro to our newest family member, Baby W ! Baby W made his grand entrance at 12:40 am on May 23rd in our home. We had an amazing first waterbirth/homebirth experience! He weighed in at 7 lbs. and measured 20 inches long. Baby W's homebirth story will be coming later... Today we are all resting, enjoying time as a bigger family and celebrating my birthday! Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts. 1 CHRONICLES 16:9 Linking up with Mommy Moments .

I AM ENOUGH: Battling Perfectionism

Do you struggle with feeling "good enough"? What does it take to be "enough"? For this week's  Fit Dish link-up , we are discussing "ENOUGHNESS": Feeling like I am "good enough" has been an ongoing battle for me. For much of my life, I have viewed my value based on my performance, how other people view me (hello, people-pleaser!) and striving to do everything perfectly. Perfectionism shows itself in a few different forms including procrastination, performancism and people-pleasing.  Performancism and people-pleasing are the main struggles for me creating thoughts like this: Do more! You're not doing enough. Try harder. Then everyone will be happy. Why try something new? I don't want to chance being a failure. Striving for perfection is a mess. It's an unattainable goal. An exhausting battle. A total joy-sucker. It makes you more judgmental, joyless, stressed out, bitter, angry, self-condemning and enslaved by the...

How & Why I Run During Pregnancy

Week 37 is already here and Baby is now considered "early term". We are cleared for home birth whenever he or she is ready to arrive! For today's Fitness Friday , I am sharing how & why I run during pregnancy. Pregnancy brings on all sorts of questions from friends to family to complete strangers on the street. Add running into the picture and the questions multiply. Running during pregnancy is a curious topic because it's not everyday you see a woman 9 months pregnant wogging (waddle-jogging) down the street in this town. These days many women continue to run and exercise during pregnancy. Just not around here... These are the real reasons behind HOW and WHY I continue to run (and strength train) through pregnancy. And how it's not as crazy as it sounds! Disclaimer: There is no shame in NOT running during pregnancy! Any form of pregnancy-safe exercise is beneficial as long as it is approved by your doctor or midwife and it is comfortable for you. ...

Choco-Banana Muffins with Greek Yogurt

It's time for another Fit Dish Tuesday ! Today's [optional] topic is: My latest baking adventure has been chocolate chip banana bread muffins with a healthy twist. They are my "healthier pregnancy craving alternative" (somewhat healthier than eating straight-up chocolate chip cookies) and are also perfect to freeze for after baby's arrival. To healthify this dessert or snack, I cut the amount of sugar in half and added Greek Yogurt to one of my favorite banana bread recipes. Of course I couldn't leave out those chocolate chips. Bananas and chocolate chips are made for each other. Choco-Banana Muffins with Greek Yogurt 1 cup Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt 1/2 cup water 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup butter, melted 3 eggs 4 bananas, mashed 2 cups flour 2 cups quick oats optional: 1 cup chocolate chips Preheat oven to 350°. Pour yogurt and water into mixing bowl and mix until smooth consistency. Add baking soda, suga...

For Two Fitness Post-Mother's Day Giveaway - Enter Today!

I am so excited to partner with For Two Fitness for an amazing post-Mother’s Day giveaway. Finding comfortable workout clothes that fit throughout the whole pregnancy is a challenge but For Two Fitness apparel has got you covered! For Two Fitness is running a phenomenal giveaway for the new mom or mom-to-be. Read the details below. This year, we are celebrating Mother’s Day all week! We are so thankful to YOU — our community, customers, friends, moms and moms-to-be. To express our thanks, we are hosting a huge giveaway this week in partnership with some amazing brands and our ambassadors. The Grand Prize is valued at more than $1000 . We have phenomenal prizes, from Joovy, Garmin, Feetures, Sara Haley and us, For Two Fitness – all facets of your fit mom lifestyle are in this prize pack! Prizes are brought to you by our wonderful brand partners, sponsoring ambassadors and of course, us here at For Two Fitness. Here are more details about the grand prize - everything you see bel...

Friday Favorites | 36 Week Update

Happy Friday, Happy Fargo Marathon weekend and Happy Mother's Day weekend! There is a lot of awesomeness going on this Fitness Friday and upcoming weekend. Plus, we have made it to the Week 36 Baby Update , which is a personal record for me :) That has been the best Mother's Day gift so far! My Fitness Friday Favorites ONE: Homemade Caramel Cinnamon Rolls for early Mother's Day.  I have been craving caramel rolls and finally worked up the ambition to make them. To keep myself from eating the entire batch, I'm giving away half of the pan as Mother's Day gifts ;) For my first attempt, they turned out really well but could have used some extra caramel topping. The recipe is coming in a future post! TWO: This made my Mother's Day/Week. While I was making lunch, an eerie silence came upon the house. Too quiet to be a good thing with a toddler around. I walked into E's room expecting to find total chaos or something broken and instead found him ...

My Favorite Long Run Podcasts

Today we're dishing out our favorite podcasts on the Fit Dish link-up! During the day, I don't listen to podcasts as much as I used to. Mainly because my full-time job involves a lot of random toddler-created noises, and I can't fully focus on the broadcast anyways. By the time the broadcast is over, I can't remember a single thing I learned! (Toddler-approved music is the way to go - Lecrae and For King and Country are our favorites lately!) Now when I'm training for a full or half marathon, that's a different story. The long run is my podcast time. My Favorite Long Run Podcasts Long runs can get a bit monotonous and mentally boring, especially if you run solo. Listening to upbeat music or an interesting podcast helps to distract me from my legs whining about how tired they are or my mind attempting to convince me to cut the run short and go back to bed. When I have a training run of an hour or longer, these are my top three go-to podcasts: ...