
Showing posts from December, 2017

To Grandma's Marathon I Go!

Disclaimer: I received free entry to Grandma's Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews! Back in the elementary school days, my best friend talked about her parents running "Grandma's Marathon". Being a youngin' with little knowledge of running, I pictured them traveling to visit their super ripped runner Grandma and then running a marathon with her. Like she must have her own marathon. Whatever distance that was, I wasn't sure. Years later, I learned that Grandma's Marathon is indeed a running race and they may even have a Grandma there to take pictures with. Not my Grandma, but someone's Grandma! Started back in 1977 along the scenic North Shore of Minnesota, the Grandma's Marathon is now listed as one of the Top 50 Marathons to Do Across America  and around 9,000 runners participate. Like I said, it's a pretty big de...

5-Minute Healthy Meals | Luvo Review

Disclaimer: I received Luvo Healthy Meals  to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! Our littlest one is one month old this week and the past two weeks have been crazy. Not the typical newborn crazy but the 101.5°F fever-not sleeping-mastitis-give-me-antibiotics-now sort of crazy. Uff... He is a sweet, easy going baby but that infection has made this my toughest postpartum recovery to date! Now here we are, cuddled up and I'm on the mend. I haven't ran a stride since 39 weeks pregnant (except emergency running after 2-year-old once) and that's just fine. The goal now is to fully recover and take care of my family. Running will come back one of these weeks! How does a household keep rolling when mom is sick? Thankfully my husband is amazing and he has been doing the dishes and putting the bigger boys to bed... while I went to bed at like 8 pm. ...