
Showing posts from June, 2015

6 Ways to Healthify Your Family Camping Trip

Now that camping season is in full swing, I am sharing a few ways to "healthify" your family camping trip with Jessica , Jill and the rest of the crew on the Fit Dish link-up . We leaving for our first camping trip as a family of 4 in a few days and I am using these tactics to keep myself from eating only s'mores for the entire weekend! This post contains affiliate links. 6 Ways to Healthify Your Camping Trip Dress for the Weather Pack outfits that encourage being active - whatever the weather brings. Don't let the weather keep you inside! Bring waterproof jackets in case of rain and long-sleeve shirts or layers for the cold. To protect yourself and your family from the rays, include hats, sunglasses and sunscreen along with your regular activewear. Bring the Child-Carrying Devices To get the whole family moving, load up the baby carrier and the single or double jogging stroller. Our Boba Baby Carrier is perfect for carrying our newborn on all-terr...

5 Natural Products to Enhance Your Health | Xlear Care Kit Review

As a Moms Meet blogger, I was given the opportunity to review the products included in the  Xlear Care Kit  by Xlear Inc. It felt like Christmas when the Xlear (pronounced 'clear') Care Kit arrived in the mail! The Xlear Care Kit includes a variety of natural, health-enhancing products from Xlear Inc. , an industry-leading manufacturer of xylitol-based products in North America. These products are made with natural sweeteners, such as xylitol and erythritol, which are found in wood, fruit, veggies, and other natural sources. What Exactly is Xylitol? Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that has a crystalline, granular structure with a sweetness comparable to sugar. It naturally occurs in many fruits and vegetables and is produced by the human body. The word xylitol comes from the Greek roots xylo- which means “wood” and “ –itol ” signifying sugar alcohols. A Closer Look: The Xlear Care Kit Products By reviewing the Xlear Care Kit, my family and I sampled a varie...

The Fit Dish Interview

Today on  the Fit Dish link-up , co-hosts Jessica and Jill and everyone from the #fitfam are being interviewed to celebrate what it means to be an active woman.  This is a great opportunity to meet the #fitfam women! Let's jump right into this interview: WHAT IS YOUR PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENT TO DATE? Hands down, my proudest "achievement" is being mom to our two handsome little boys . It feels weird calling them achievements... Let's say they are my husband's and my proudest blessings! My proudest fitness-related achievement would be running my first marathon in 2009 . Running 26.2 miles is a bold move for someone who had never ran on a cross country or track team (or ran a half marathon) before. That race started my love for long distance running and was one of my best decisions ever! WHAT KEEPS YOU PASSIONATE? My passion for life comes from the Lord ! God is the "fuel" to my fire as everything good comes from Him. Pushing myself to be my ...

My Postpartum Fitness Plan + A Life Hack

Two weeks down and I'm really loving our "new normal" of being a family of four! Today I'm joining up with Jessica and Jill at  the Fit Dish link-up but first let me briefly introduce  My Postpartum Fitness Plan . My littlest man is two weeks old! But it's only been two weeks!? Why have a fitness plan so soon? I have a plan this time to MAKE MYSELF take it easy. Yes, forced easy-ness and recovery time. After our first son was born, I started walk-run intervals just after 2 weeks postpartum and ran 5 miles on the 3-week mark. My body recovered quickly after a smooth delivery and everything worked out fine. I ran a marathon 7 months postpartum and finished in 3:37:37. That was a good finish time for me and I even placed in the top 10! BUT... I was exhausted. Longer training runs were more burdensome than enjoyable. In the peak mileage of training, I came down with a nasty sinus infection, missed a week of running and told myself "never again...

Five Things Friday: After-Baby Edition

Happy Fitness Friday ! Here is a quick run-down of five things this Friday: ONE: Life as a Mom of Two. The first week was stressful. The combination of a moody toddler, not being able to move around quickly myself, not sleeping and my husband returning to work all added up. Week #2 has been much better! I'm so thankful for nice weather and feeling good enough to take the boys outside on walks. Being outside makes everyone happier! TWO: Chocolate's Best Friend = Macadamia Nuts. My youngest brother brought me a bag of Mauna Loa Coconut Milk Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts yesterday and they are basically gone. Guilty as charged... they are addicting. I can't have these around the house anymore, otherwise the remaining baby weight will never leave! THREE: No Run on National Running Day After our first son was born, I was doing walk-run intervals just after 2 weeks postpartum. My body felt ready for it, as delivery was rather "easy" (for chi...

Baby W's Birth Story

How the time flies! Baby W is already 11 days old and he has gained back his birth weight plus 5 ounces. Before another week passes by, here is W's birth story: First of all, we made it to 38 weeks!  By a whopping 40 minutes :) I could feel that Baby had dropped at 37 weeks and was sitting head-down, but I didn't realize this would be my last "baby bump" picture: Thursday, May 21: E and I started our morning with bread-baking and playing in the backyard. No running that day as I planned on doing prenatal yoga in the evening. 12 NOON -  We had our last appointment with our midwife and she dropped off the birthing pool. Talk about perfect timing. While E was down for his nap, our neighbor stopped over and gave me a before-baby mani/pedi. That was a first for me and it was really sweet. She is really gifted. I can hardly stand the thought of touching other people's feet! I started having contractions but I couldn't tell if they were strong...