
Showing posts from July, 2017

Put the "OO" in RecOOvery | OOFOS Review

Disclaimer: I received OOFOS OOlala Sandals to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! Every other morning of the week tends to start with a morning run. As this pregnancy is progressing, the earlier the better to beat the summer heat! Then I spend the rest of the day (minus the event that both kids nap) on my feet. It's awesome! Active days are something I missed dearly while sitting in my old desk job but my legs do get TIRED. Add 6 months of pregnancy to that and my feet are throbbing by the end of the day! Thankfully, as a BibRave Pro, I received OOFOS OOlala Sandals   to take the stress off my feet, knees and lower back! The name OOFOS came to be because every who puts them on says "OO". Clever, right?! After my usual morning run and a quick shower, into my OOFOS OOlala sandals I go and we're ready for the day! These sandals offer ...

Seeing In COLORS | Knuckle Lights COLORS Review

Disclaimer: I received Knuckle Lights COLORS to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! Harvest is on the horizon and the days are getting shorter. It makes me a little sad to even write that! The bright, early morning sunrises are arriving later. Come August, the sun doesn't rise until after 6:00 am (Gasp!) . And then winter — the time of darkness and freezing cold — will be back for the next 6 months. Nooooo! I'm not ready. Flashback to Snow :( Whew. It's still July. Let's just enjoy the rest of this summer and fall! While my usual light source for dark running has been a headlamp wrapped around my hand, I am taking advantage of some new technology as our mornings darken. As a BibRave Pro, I received Knuckle Lights COLORS to light up my early morning running all year long. Knuckle Lights COLORS are available in Blue , Pink and Blac...

Camping Trip Dos | B3 Week 22

We went camping for the pre-Fourth of July weekend at my favorite place ever, Itasca State Park. The wildflowers were in full bloom and summer storms stayed at bay, making it a perfect trip! My mom has been keeping a count and it's crazy how much camping our kids have done in their short years! E (4) has been camping 10 times and W (2) has been camping 7 times. Granted, in an RV for majority of the trips, but that's my kind of camping when it comes to small children ;) I did a lot of running with a half-loaded double stroller which gave me a little break on the rolling hills (37 less pounds at least). Little W and I found a couple patches of Showy Lady Slippers , the Minnesota State Flower, and some were a beautiful hot pink. Like I said, it was wildflower galore along the bike path. I'm a little obsessed. Itasca has a great network of paved bike paths, including a boardwalk, that are perfect for stroller running. The bumpy boardwalk tends to put W to sl...