Third Time Around | B3 Week 28
My motivation to write about pregnancy has been dwindling and I was starting to doubt that I would finish this post. For the sake of tradition, I wanted to write a "threequel" to the "Second Time Around" post from two years ago (my pregnancy with W). Some details have been different in this pregnancy but much has been the same. Mostly I haven't had much time to think about and plan for this baby! With the "big brothers" now 2- and 4-years-old, they seem to take up most of my brain space. I think we're okay though. All of the baby clothes are in storage, some newly washed and some not, and the baby "things" are still around too. Baby even got a couple new things - I may share more on that later. All I need to do is order newborn diapers in a couple months and we should be set, right? I feel so out of touch with all that goes into newborn life. So what's been different with my third pregnancy? Belly Size: The Insta-Bump Th...