Training Week 8: Putting In The Work

Top o' the week to ya! Today I'm joining up once again with the Fit Dish and Faith & Fitness crews. Over the weekend, I made a spontaneous decision to run a local half marathon. Many small-towns have 5k's and 10k's but it's not often they throw together their own half marathon. Instead of doing my 1:45 long run solo, it sounded much more appealing to actually run with other people! The weekly Faith & Fitness Bible verse is Proverbs 14:23. All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. PROVERBS 14:23 As I dug into the application in this verse, I found that the "profit" mentioned isn't exclusive to financial gain. According to the Merriam-Webster , profit is a valuable return; a gain . A gain is something that is wanted or valued that is gotten through some activity or process - a.k.a. work ! Applying this verse to Saturday's half marathon... The WORK: 8 weeks of training (for a different race b...