
Showing posts from October, 2018

Invisible Mama

Writing heart stuff is hard. It's something I have been avoiding for quite some time. 1 year 7 months, to be exact, since my last dose of # reallife motherhood  in blog form. So much is on my heart yet it's hard to find the words these days. Emotions are tough. I launched this blog years ago not to solely write on fun, easy topics but to hit the hard ones that are more difficult to articulate. This one has been on my heart lately and I know it's worth writing out. .................... Invisible Mama. She’s not really a person but more so a feeling. A feeling of giving and giving and giving until there's nothing left. You're not even sure who is left, she's almost unrecognizable. But that’s silly, because I know who I am, right? I am a daughter of the King,  the Bible says so.   But when I hit that point of emotional exhaustion, I lose sight of that truth and struggle to believe that Someone does in fact care about me. And with an even greater love th...

What's in the Hopper for October?

Disclaimer: I received a complementary entry into the Scooby Doo Virtual Run Series  in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! Let me do a magic trick. Here's a bunch of snow... and then TADA! Now have 60 degrees and sunshine to make it all disappear! That's what's up in northern Minnesota this week and I'm not complaining one bit. I did get in a snowy run on Sunday but now the kids and I have been thoroughly enjoying this more Fall-like weather. As soon as we finished school this morning, we all headed outside and nearly forgot to come in for lunch! It's just THAT amazing out. While there is plenty of action in our daily family life, my running calendar is a whole lot less exciting. What IS exciting is that after two months of healing/rehabbing, my hip flexor strain is improving by leaps and bounds. I dabble in a run he...

Doo Good 5k Recap | Scooby Doo Virtual Run Series

Disclaimer: I received a complementary entry into the Scooby Doo Virtual Run Series  in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! Hey all, I'm here to give you a quick post-race update on the Doo Good 5k! My dog, Saul, and I competed the Doo Good Virtual 5k in September, which was a first for both of us — his first race ever and my first virtual race. (For more deets on this virtual series, check out my post from last month) The virtual race experience was very laid back which was beneficial especially when running with an elderly dog. We broke the 5k distance up into two different run-walks and fit in the miles whenever it worked with our schedule. He's a pretty important guy with a busy schedule, after all! Our Doo Good 5k race swag arrived via mail on October 8th. Very exciting! For completing the race, I received a shirt an...

Warming Things Up | Luvo Bundle Review

Disclaimer: I received a Luvo Bundle of my choice in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! Here in the northern parts of Minnesota we're singing a new song this week:  "I'm dreaming of a white October, just like one that happened a few years ago..." It seems our Fall has been shortened but most Minnesnowtans (at least around here) are sure it will melt soon. I agree with that. Now if this snow sticks around until April 2019, I may just lose my Minnesota-loving mind! While the snow is here, we're rocking our new routine of the kids heading outside to play in the snow immediately after breakfast, snow gear strewn all over our house and hot chocolate with our morning basket reads. Though 38 degrees is a considerably warm temp for winter around here, it's NOT winter. So let's warm things up a bit as I give you...

Chasing More Zzz's | Bedgear Review

Disclaimer: I received a Bedgear Performance Pillow  in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! Lack of sleep really takes a toll on our bodies. That's been the past week or so in a nutshell - I feel sluggish, my emotions feel a little haywire and my neck/shoulder muscles are tense (usually because I was rocking a baby or sitting in some weird position most of the night). Not every night involves being up 3 or 4 times but, when those nights come, the residual exhaustion seems to linger for days after. As our baby has been waking more at night thanks to either popping his 5th tooth or his new walking milestone, you're catching me in one of those residual exhaustion phases. So what better time to test a new pillow, right? A new pillow is yet another reason to be excited about bedtime! As a BibRave Pro, I received a Bedgear Performance Pill...