Invisible Mama
Writing heart stuff is hard. It's something I have been avoiding for quite some time. 1 year 7 months, to be exact, since my last dose of # reallife motherhood in blog form. So much is on my heart yet it's hard to find the words these days. Emotions are tough. I launched this blog years ago not to solely write on fun, easy topics but to hit the hard ones that are more difficult to articulate. This one has been on my heart lately and I know it's worth writing out. .................... Invisible Mama. She’s not really a person but more so a feeling. A feeling of giving and giving and giving until there's nothing left. You're not even sure who is left, she's almost unrecognizable. But that’s silly, because I know who I am, right? I am a daughter of the King, the Bible says so. But when I hit that point of emotional exhaustion, I lose sight of that truth and struggle to believe that Someone does in fact care about me. And with an even greater love th...