
Showing posts from February, 2016

Much-Needed Encouragement for the Momma's Heart {Book Review}

Motherhood is HARD. Like harder than anything I have ever done before. I don't write or talk about the challenges of motherhood often because A.) I don't want to sound like I'm complaining - I adore our boys! and B.) It usually opens the door up for the "just wait 'til" comments from other parents. BUT, if I can encourage other moms by being honest about my mommy-struggles, I am happy to share. That's exactly what Becky Thompson does in her book, Hope Unfolding . Becky's writing is real, honest and from-the-heart. Hope Unfolding was very encouraging to me because I could totally relate to her mom struggles and she gave me a new perspective on God's heart towards mommas. Reading Hope Unfolding while cuddling my sick babies What's one of my struggles as a mom? I wonder if I'm doing the "right thing" daily. The Enemy whispers lies that make me feel like I'm alone in this; like I'm going to "ruin...

Training Week 7: NuttZo Power Fuel No-Bakes

Marathon training is often accompanied by a few "side effects" such as moderate random chafing, excessive foam rolling and runger (a.k.a. "running hunger"). Here is my solution to this week's case of the runger! While I'm not a passionate baker, I do enjoy eating baked goods and am a firm believer that everything is better homemade. I prefer to keep my recipes simple and, well, it doesn't get much more simplified than no-bake cookies! As a proud  2016 NuttZo Ambassador — seriously, they are so good to us — I want to share with you my all-time favorite no-bake cookie recipe made with NuttZo's Chocolate Power Fuel . P.S. Use my discount code to take 20% off your next order: will-20 NuttZo Power Fuel No-Bakes 1 cup white sugar 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup butter (Try Nicole's homemade butter recipe !) 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1 cup Nuttzo Chocolate Power Fuel 3 cups quick oats Melt butter on medium heat and stir occasionally. I used pla...

Training Week 6: Respecting the Rest

Hallelujah, being un-sick feels amazing! And I'm healthy just in time to take care of my family... that is now sick :( Sadly, I must have shared the bug with them. ..... Today's Question: Is it okay to run while sick?  I run through the common cold but there are some forms of  "sick" that stop me in my tracks. Achy muscles, fever, chills, congestion and headaches... Bleh! " If you have flu like symptoms, especially achy muscles or a fever, you should not run. Running with a fever is not only dangerous, but will significantly increase the time it will take you to get back to 100%." - In the book You (Only Faster) , Greg McMillan shared a saying from his first coaching mentor, Guy Avery: "Optimal Stress + Optimal Rest = Optimal Progress" . He breaks the formula down here: "Every training stress (whether an easy run or hard workout) must be followed by an appropriate rest period (recovery with no running, cross t...

Support Bronchial Wellness with GaiaKids® #MomsMeet #gaiakids

'Tis the season for coughs, colds and the flu bug! I am finally out of the woods my cold/flu but that cough is still lingering in our family. I was contacted by Moms Meet just in time to try the GaiaKids® Bronchial Wellness supplement for kids from Gaia Herbs. GaiaKids® Bronchial Wellness for Kids provides herbal support for the respiratory system and promotes healthy mucous membranes for kids ages 2 to 15. This product is USDA Certified Organic and has a great taste that comes from organic honey, lemon, and flavorful essential oils. Key Ingredients:  Plantain - an important herb to support a healthy inflammatory response in the respiratory tract Helichrysum's essential oil - one of the most potent sources of antioxidants, traditionally used to soothe occasional bronchial irritation. Grindelia - used to support the respiratory system and assist in the normal production and elimination of mucous along with providing soothing support for the respiratory tract...

Training Week 5: Hemp Heart Bar Review

Sneaking in a healthy snack after a tough workout is challenging.  When I get in from a long run, the kids mob me — the toddler wants to tell me how stinky I am and the baby needs to nurse. Between taking care of the kids, stretching and sneaking a shower, it's easy to skip eating all together. Not eating after a hard workout is a bad deal because your body needs nutrients to repair the micro-tears in the muscles that result from exercise. When fueling correctly, the body is able to repair the muscle tears and actually makes the muscle stronger! According to Runners Connect , the optimal window for nutrient absorption is 30-90 minutes after working out. Whatever your recovery food of choice is, you should consume it as soon as possible post-workout. Lately a Honey Stinger Caramel Waffle or spoonful of NuttZo Power Fuel is my favorite post-run snack! This week I had the opportunity to review Manitoba Harvest's Hemp Heart Bar and they proved to be another great recov...

Training Week 4: New Year, New Opportunities

Hellooo to you on this first day of February! We are yet another month closer to Spring-time, the green grass, running shorts, sunshine and mosquitoes. I can just feel it. This year I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with NuttZo and Honey Stinger through my running and blogging! Nut butter AND honey?! It doesn't get any better than that, folks. I'm ecstatic! And kind of hungry just thinking about it. NuttZo Organic Nut Butter  is the ONLY ORGANIC Seven Nut and Seed Butter on the planet! Their products include these pure ingredients: Peanuts, Cashews, Almonds, Hazelnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, Brazil Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, 70% dark Peruvian Chocolate, sea salt. NuttZo Nut Butter is a whole lot of nutritious and delicious! Check out their products and take 20% off  by using my Ambassador Discount: will-20 Honey Stinger fuels runners, cyclists, triathletes and teams all over the country with nutritious and great tasting honey...