#RuntheYear 2022 + Knockaround Slingshot Snow Goggle Review

Disclaimer: I received Knockaround Slingshot Snow Goggles in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

My 2022 running adventures have finally come to a close! It's been an amazing running year and also a pretty crazy exciting year as far as personal life goes as well. We moved to our dream farm in July, which was a lot of work and also so cool. The snow this winter has been intense but we love it out here.

After running CIM in early December, I planned to take a solid two weeks off of running.  That turned into one week off going as planned and then 10 days of doing bare minimum childcare + laying on the couch with influenza. And THEN a sinus infection followed that! Thankfully the kids are super hardy and were only sick for a couple days; unlike me. 

Finally, I made it back to running and realized I only needed to run 24 miles to "run the year" for 2022. My motivation to run in this icy, cold tundra was struggling but this new-to-me challenge got me out the door! I finished the 2,022 miles yesterday - which was a whopping 717 more miles than I ran last year! Insane. I'm not sure how that's even possible!

Our winter has been very white, snow-blizzardy and stinkin' cold, which created the perfect environment for testing Knockaround's Slingshot Snow Goggles. As a Bibrave Pro, I had the opportunity to pick snow goggles or sunnies (which are also awesome) and figured I best prepare for all the months of winter running that lie ahead. Snow goggles it is! 

Snow dogs on the frozen prairie

I have raced in snow goggles very sparingly, usually borrowing my husband's old goggles, but they would fog up and didn't fit me correctly. The Knockaround Slingshots are my very first pair of goggles that are MINE! That's not to say people in my family aren't mysteriously sneaking off with them though. 

So first off, Knockaround's Snow Goggles are useful for pretty much everything winter! 

Whether it be doing chicken chores for your kids because it's too cold to send them outside (think -35°F windchill)...

Helping the toddler ride his mini snowcat...

Snow blowing out the farm yard on our tractor without a cab or packing them along as emergency winter gear while driving to work in a blizzard. That's all Leo there! He prefers the magnetic yellow lens which are for overcast or low light conditions (VLT = 62%).

The Slingshot goggles have come in handy in so many ways - not just running - this winter! 

A few of the key features are: 
  • UV400 Protection 
  • Anti-glare and anti-fog coating 
  • Revo Sky Blue lens is best for sunny conditions (VLT = 14.5%) plus the bonus yellow lenses for low light conditions. Easy to swap out magnetic lenses! 
  • 45mm elastic strap w/ adjustable buckle

As for running, I have gotten so much use out of the Slinghots and we still have at least three months left of winter! Uffda. Having eye protection makes it much easier to run in our windy, flat open country and in almost any weather. On nicer days, I put the goggles down to run into the wind and then prop them up on my head when I have a tailwind. They fit well in either spot and any icing up has been very minimal, even on my coldest days of running.

The Slingshots are currently priced at $85 on Knockaround.com and that includes both magnetic lenses, a hardy case, and lens cleaning cloth. Definitely worth it! 

For 2023, I'm looking forward to another year of BibRave adventures and now taking on the role of Captain for my first year! I have a great group of cohorts to work with and look forward to all the year brings. On the running front, I will be building up my training base in January and then on to Fargo Marathon training - my first BibRave race for 2023 :) 

May God bless you & your loved ones in the New Year! 

Let's Connect!


  1. It's been fun following you on IG this year, but I thought I'd stop by and say hi! Congrats on that amazing race at CIM this year. You really crushed it. Glad to see you are enjoying your life on the new farm. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Wendy! I hope all is well with you - I need to catch up on all you've been doing :) I miss our blogging weekly wrap-ups!


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