
Showing posts from May, 2019

Race Report: Fargo Marathon 2019

Marathon #11 is complete! Finding time to even type up this recap has been a tad bit difficult. Life is just rolling; and with great, exciting things. Loving on my three kiddos, finishing up our homeschooling year and starting up with fun spring/summer activities just feels like a very full plate. (I know years from now I will look back and think of how "simple" these young days were, I'm sure) Let's jump in here before I run out of time. Fargo Marathon in one word:   Finally ................................................ Friday, May 17: Kid Drop-Off & Travel Day My husband and I loaded up the kiddos (+ dog) and hit the road to Grandpa and Grandma's farm on Friday morning. First things first: drop off our oldest's t-ball registration form at the elementary school. He's super excited about that. Then we were on the road for the 1.5 hour drive there. Arriving at the farm, my husband helped my parents and the vet work cows for preg checking...

The Most Important Piece of Race Gear | Runderwear Review

Disclaimer: I received Runderwear Low-Rise Hipster  in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! Fargo Marathon race week is upon us and what better time to talk running underwear than today?! Undie talk is a little awkward. That's for sure. Our bags are being packed up for the trip and, as I'm working out my race day gear line up, it's worth mentioning that running undergarments are possibly the most important pieces of running gear on race day. They really can make or break majorly chafe you! As a BibRave Pro, I received the Runderwear Low-Rise Hipster which claim to be chafe free. I happily tested these out during the peak of my marathon training. Do you think they passed the test? After running through workouts of varying distances and speeds, numerous washes and daily wear, my experience with Runderwear's Women's Low-...