
Showing posts from August, 2018

To Defer? Or Not To Defer?

That is the question. Week 7 of marathon training went exceptionally well — every goal pace was hit and the 52-mile week was about to close — and then in the blink of a long run, I couldn't run anymore. What in the blazes happened? On Saturday, I headed out for a long run at my parents' place feeling tired but fine, if anything, my hamstrings being a little tight would be my only complaint. Not even a complaint really, that's just regular running probs. Goal was 16 miles at 8:05/mile average and I started out feeling sluggish yet stuck around the 7:45-8:00 pace range for the first 11 miles. Somewhere before that my left knee felt a little irritated, I figured from the slant of the road or running on loose gravel for certain stretches. My solution is to switch sides of the road every once in a while to "even things out" (in theory). In the loose gravel portion, that left knee soreness turned into a sudden extreme tightness in my right groin. Huh. I s...

Shades of Every Color | Knockaround Sunglasses Review

Disclaimer: I received Knockaround Premium Sunglasses in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! With all the bold, wild patterns rocking the fashion world these days, isn't it right to have shades to match? As a BibRave Pro, I received two colorful pairs of Knockaround Premium Sunglasses to wear wherever the summer life takes me. Knockaround Premium sunglasses are made of lightweight polycarbonate material and come in a ton of colors that are sure to match your race-day gear and everyday casual outfits too. I received a pair of Glossy Tortoise Shell/Green Moonshine shades and a pair of Clear/Moonshine shades. I love the style of these glasses! The Knockaround Premiums Styles: Check out the whole collection here ! The Premium lenses are polarized to knock out glare and are impact resistant with full UV400 sun protection. Even with th...

Recovery & Real Life | OOFOS OOMG Fibre Low Review

Disclaimer: I received OOFOS OOMG Fibre Low shoes in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! For the first time in a LONG time, I ran a 50 mile week (last week) and it actually wasn't that bad. It's certainly a lot of miles (for me) and Hansons' goal of cumulative fatigue was achieved but my body seemed to handle it well. I'm tired but I don't feel any pre-injury "niggles" surfacing. Part of my fatigue is likely marathon training. Partly a not-sleeping teething baby lately. Partly summer life! There is so much fun to take in and things to do in a small window of time. Our pool is now closed for the year and I feel both sad and thankful — sad because summer is coming to an end, thankful that I don't have to lug three kids to the pool solo  (oldest loves it, middle fights me every time, littlest is a wild baby). ...

5 Weeks Into Hansons Marathon Method

When something is working, I usually don't change it. Shoes, daily routines, parenting tactics, meal planning, what have you. But this year I caught the bug to try something new in the marathon. Back in January, I posted a question about training approaches on IG as I was contemplating a change. Training for the past 10 marathons has been a mix of Hal Higdon, Marathon Training Academy and Greg McMillan plans but this Hansons Marathon Method had peaked my interest. The past plans helped me to cover the 26.2 mile distance and BQ a few times, but could a change help me to break through the 3:22 wall? For Grandma's Marathon back in June, I decided to stick to the familiar rather than jumping into Hansons at 7 months post our third baby. In hindsight, that was a great decision. There is no way I could have handled the volume so soon after having our littlest and while learning the new groove of balancing three kids! Enter Marathon #11... The Grand Forks Marathon in Sept...

Five Reasons to Run the 2019 Torchlight 5k

Disclaimer: I am promoting the Torchlight 5k as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews! My race calendar usually includes a full or half marathon (or two) for the year and then I run shorter distances spontaneously as the race opportunities pop up. If you're always up for a summer race like me, the Torchlight 5k is one you won't want to miss! The Torchlight 5k in Minneapolis is the hottest night-run-party race in Minnesota where runners experience the magic of a summer night in the Twin Cities! Some years this race can be a hot one (their hashtag is #RunWithFire, after all!)  but 2018's weather proved to be absolutely perfect for a run. Live music, sunset scenery, the energy of the runner community, and complimentary beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic available) plus food and snacks sound like a perfect way to spend a summer evening. If that's not enou...