Does baking count as cross-training?

E's baby muffin stash is near gone, so we made "Baby Banana Bread Biscuits" this morning. These biscuits are so good that I need to keep myself from eating them! I had been buying E the Gerber Graduates® Lil' Biscuits and he really liked them. Then I thought why not make homemade biscuits that are less preservative-filled and don't cost $2.00 for 18 biscuits?

Now, really, does baking count as cross-training?... I'm kidding, a little ;) E has been a stubborn boy today and refused to go down for his morning nap. Working out with E awake is possible, but usually a bit messy. He is a trouble magnet! I'm going to do a 4-mile hill run and a strength circuit this afternoon. Today it is 2°F - ABOVE ZERO!!! - and sunny. Maybe I will wait until Leo is home and run outside. I can't help but dream of running outside with E in the jogging stroller again. I really miss that! And sun... fresh air... and stuff.
If you exercise, when do you fit it into your day?

Here are a few pictures and the recipe for E's new biscuits:

Baby Banana Bread Biscuits

  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 cups infant cereal
  • 3 Tablespoons milk
Preheat oven to 375°F. Break the banana into little chunks and place in mixing bowl with butter. Microwave for 1 minute, or until butter has melted. Mash banana and mix with butter until smooth. Add egg and milk and mix. Add dry ingredients and mix together. Roll into little biscuits and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Allow to cool before feeding to baby (or eating them yourself!). Biscuits can be a choking hazard for babies. Break the biscuits into little pieces, if necessary, and keep an eye on baby while they are eating.

E is such a great helper while I bake. Don't tell Old McDonald his animals are soon to be eaten.

Leo and I were trying to do a workout DVD yesterday and E thought he should join us. He's in love with my 10-lb. dumbbells. I've told him repeatedly they aren't teething toys :)

Do you ever eat your baby's food? Clearly I have a problem with that...

Let's Get Social Sunday


  1. Baking completely counts as cross training! Yesterday Susanna and I made PB choc chip cookies. Today we made brownies. (We need to take care of Daddy.)

    I love it as Susanna now stands on a chair next to me. Yesterday she licked the PB measuring cup and adored it.

    Now I just need to make us aprons!

    1. Having matching little aprons would be adorable!!! Baking has to be ten times for fun now that Susanna can "help" and enjoy the treats with you.

  2. I'm longing for an outdoor run too! It's been a lot of quick miles on the dreadmill this week. Ugh!

    1. The treadmill definitely can get a bit monotonous! I keep dreaming of green grass and reminding myself that April isn't THAT far away... I miss seeing the sun!

  3. I find time to workout after work if I don't have anything planned. Otherwise I'd prefer early morning workouts but the treadmill wakes our neighbors up...even though their loud bass kept me up this summer I've decided to extend grace and let them sleep.

    Otherwise Mark and I got to play an intense game of soccer raquetball! Which was insanely competitive so we ended up just leaving the third game at a tie so we were both happy ;) I'm still so soooore!

    1. You are such a nice neighbor! I have NO clue what soccer raquetball is, but you need to teach me. And I could see things getting a little competitive with you two ;) Raquetball is fun... and soccer is fun (but I'm horrible); the combo has to be awesome!


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