2013 Revelations + 2014 Resolutions

2013 flew by so fast, I'm enjoying reminiscing at bit at all that happened this year. This was a big year for our family and, of course, for E! Being born is a pretty big deal :) I'm excited to see what God has in store for 2014!

Five Revelations from 2013

  1. God's approval is all I need. It is impossible to please everyone and no matter what you do there will always be at least one person who disapproves! Recently, God has been showing me that I need to get over my approval-addicted nature. God wants us to live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not by the pressure and/or manipulation from other people.

  2. Being a mom is truly amazing. While I was pregnant, I worried that I wouldn't love my baby enough and that I just wouldn't be a good mom. That's not a concern of mine anymore! Despite my lack of baby experience before having E (I had never changed a diaper before!?), being a mom comes naturally. I'm thankful for all of the more experienced moms I can go to for advice. I definitely don't know what I'm doing all the time, but I know God made me to be a mom!

    Mr. E was busy brewing at the end of February. Seems like so long ago!

    I don't think I could love this kid any more! I'm crazy about him.

  3. Cloth diapering isn't rocket science. It's weird to say I actually enjoy cloth diapering. A very generous friend gave me some of her cloth diapers and I figured it was worth a shot. Now I love cloth diapering and it's definitely worth the savings and hardly any extra work!

    The start of my cloth diaper collection!
  4. Being a SAHM is worth the sacrifice. This was one of the biggest stretches of my life. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be a stay-at-home mom (or that I would have a blog!). Leaving my job (and my friends), moving to a new town, and living on one income was an intimidating whirlwind of change, but it's all worth it. God led me to leave my comfort zone and spending this time with my son has been worth any "sacrifices", tenfold.

  5. If something is a priority, you make time for it. The picture the world sometimes paints of parenthood is that it is the end to all "fun" and you won't have time to do anything for yourself. You CAN make time to read your Bible everyday, to exercise everyday, to journal, to (fill in the blank)...

    Motherhood has taught me new lessons in time management. I need to read the Bible and do devotionals in the morning before E wakes up or wait for nap time. Fitting in exercise everyday just means being flexible schedule-wise; if it doesn't happen in the morning, I sneak out for a run when Leo is home. Sure, one could say, "That's easy, you only have one baby right now!", and my response to that would be God strengthens us in each season of life. If He blesses my husband and I with more children, I trust that the Lord will give me wisdom for that season!

    It's hard to get out the door some days, but I never regret exercising.

Five Resolutions for 2014

  1. Be a prayer warrior. You can't be "bad" at praying, but I do want to be more dedicated to prayer. I made an index card of daily prayer requests and am going to focus on starting the day out with prayer and time with God! We're especially praying that God blesses us with Baby #2 in His perfect timing :)

  2. Get CrossFit. Ha! I don't even know what that means, but I want to try it. One slight problem is that my "home gym" consists of a yoga mat and two 10-lb. weights, so I'm going to use my imagination (or just my body weight) in this. Running is my favorite, but this winter has been unhealthily cold and I'm trying to expand my knowledge of cross training! Below is a workout from the "Naptime Circuit Training" series. These workouts aren't official CrossFit routines, they are just a quick way to fit strength training into the day - a little strength training is better than none!

  3. Read more. I read my Bible every day, but I'm looking to do more supplemental reading as time allows. Currently I'm reading "Approval Addiction" by Joyce Meyer and I've got my sights set on reading a couple books by Will Davis Jr. after that. Reading is really enjoyable and I want to encourage E to be a reader, too.

    "Enough" by Will Davis Jr. (photo from Amazon.com)

  4. Make more visual arts and crafts. Graphic design is great, but it requires a lot of computer time these days. I want to go back to the visual art-side of things and start making crafts with E. I made a few Christmas gifts this year and found that I really miss painting. Doing crafts with a 10-month-old probably means me making something pretty and him destroying it, but that's okay :)

    Christmas Crafting
  5. Be God-confident. I'm insecure; always have been, don't want to be forever. The fix for insecurity isn't in self-confidence, but being confident in God and seeing myself how He sees me. No more negative self talk and listening to Satan's lies. I have a distorted view that God is always mad and disappointed with me and it seems guilt is always lurking. The solution? Knowing and constantly reminding myself that Jesus is my Savior, meditating on God's Truth, and knowing that guilt is not from God.

    Happy 2014 from us!
What have been your revelations over this past year?
What are your resolutions for the new year?

Let's Get Social Sunday


  1. I completely agree on cloth diapering! We did it with our son and I look forward to doing it again with baby #2! It is SO worth the effort and savings! I love your goals for 2014! I can't wait to see how you like CrossFit! Happy New Year!!

    -Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy

    1. Happy New Year to you, too, Melissa! I'm loving those CrossFit at home workouts you put on your blog :) CrossFit and long distance running seem to mesh well!

  2. I love that you focus on Him as your number one goal! Everything falls into place when you put God first. :) I wish I was a better prayer warrior.

    1. That is definitely true, Wendy! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I have been wanting to try CrossFit and I'm in total awe of anyone who does it lol. Good luck and I can't wait to hear all about it this year.

    1. I am in awe of CrossFit-ers, too! When I first heard about it, I searched it on YouTube and the Women's CrossFit Games 2012 came up. Those are some tough ladies! That won't ever be me, but I'm really enjoying the body-weight exercises so far :)

  4. I love your goals! I always want to do more crafts with my kids, I just need to work on how much it stresses me out with the mess they make!

  5. So glad I found your blog! I love your outlook!
    You'd be surprised with all the exercises you can do with just a yoga mat and some weights. I'd suggest getting some strength training bands and then you could do anything you can do with those fancy machines! Best of luck to you in 2014! God bless!

    1. Thank you for the suggestions and stopping by! Just the dumbbells and the yoga mat have been working great for my first week of "at home" CrossFit! Eventually, I'm going to invest in more dumbbells and I like the idea you mentioned of using strength training bands.

  6. Thank you for checking out Delectably Domestic. I love your site and your point of view.


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