Hello, 30! | B3 16 Weeks

This has to be the craziest stretch of the year so far!

The past 8 days have included our 5-year anniversary, W's 2nd birthday, my 30th birthday and my mom's birthday. Now we just need someone to be born on the 25th to make it a birthday streak - any May 25th birthdays out there? 

The morning started off with a complimentary birthday Hazelnut Cappuccino at The Ember coffee shop followed by another complimentary Mint Condition cold coffee at Caribou Coffee and a trip to the thrift store just for fun (where I found some excellent books). Groceries at Sam's Club (I wish those were free), a free "Grand Slam" breakfast at Denny's and free 10 oz Froyo at Cherry Berry (that was donated to my brother).

You know that saying "too much of a good thing"? Yeah. I was totally good-things-overloaded.

After the wild birthday morning, I did use a birthday gift card to buy some new runner reading material: the Hansons Marathon Method. Though I'm currently "running for two" at an average of 9:30-10:00/mile pace and keeping the miles low, I do look forward to the days of running faster/longer again - in due time, of course.

After fellow BibRave Pro, Amy S, ran a stellar marathon a week ago, she inspired me to research the Hanson Marathon Method. I'm intrigued and look forward to applying the principals to my future marathon endeavors. A loooong, long time from now.

Like maybe next Fall :)

Now I'm 30.

I always thought I would feel more mature at this point in my life but I really still feel like a kid. Here's to a new decade of memories with our growing family! God is so good to us and I look forward to all that He has in store.

B3 Pregnancy: Week 16 Wrap-Up

B3 is the size of an avocado as we finish up week 16. I'm feeling much more energetic though I still feel winded while running (probably will 'til baby is out!). I will keep plugging along at whatever pace and, though it's not speedy, it's all a building block as a train for "the big event"... labor and delivery. It's like an ultra marathon every time!


3.1 mile run in the early morning with our pup.


W's 2nd Birthday! We celebrated with cupcakes and a playdate with friends.


My 30th Birthday! 3.0 early morning miles to celebrate :) The little ones and I spent the morning running errands and taking advantage of birthday treat perks with my sister-in-law. So much fun, too many sweets!!!


Stretching and recovering from the birthday sugar hangover.


My Mom's Birthday! 4-mile run with the double stroller on the gravel roads near town. Though our town is very small, going out to the roads surrounded by fields and very few houses feels the best. Pushing a double stroller on gravel... now that doesn't feel quite as peaceful.


4-mile run on the gravel roads. I took it easy and this run felt great! Running farther than 4 miles was tempting but I figured I should conserve some energy for a fun Memorial weekend.


Rest. With Memorial Day coming up on Monday, thank you to those who have lost their lives for our freedom and to all of the veterans and those currently serving our country!

What birthday perks do you take advantage of? 

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. running with the double stroller while pregnant? Impressive! Happy birthday

  2. Happy belated birthday! It looks like you had an awesome week of workouts , especially running with a double stroller!!

  3. It's fun getting complimentary things on our birthday. Our town does a free movie too!
    You are so strong to run with a double stroller!

    1. Ooh a free movie would have been so fun!

  4. You look great! Happy 30th Birthday! I hit that mark in October and still feel like a young college kid, despite 2 kids and college long behind me!

  5. Happy belated! I have a friend whose birthday is the 25th ;-) I can't imagine running with a double stroller, let alone on gravel!

  6. Happy Birthday! You look great! I remember those days of running with the stroller. It's not easy. But believe it or not, you'll miss it!

  7. Happy Birthday! I'd get all the freebies I could. I can only imagine that pushing a stroller on gravel would be quite the undertaking. The kids probably thought all the bumping was fun! An avocado! I love tuning in the see the fruit of the week. Thanks for linking, Amy!

  8. Happy belated birthday! Running with the double stroller seems fun!


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