Indian Summer and Teething Probs

November is here. Dare I even type this.... Where is the SNOW?!

We are enjoying a glorious Indian Summer in the northern parts and it has been in the 50°F for most of last week and today as well. The extra sunshine has been a blessing and I'm sure many deer hunters are overheating in their usual hunting gear.

Deer hunting, THE ELECTION tomorrow, more pumpkin spice coffee. Yep, definitely November.

The cold bug has been working it's way through our family but being outside seems to even help with that. The littlest is getting his first molars and teething has been rough for that poor boy! And mom, too... the fussing and lack of sleep is really wearing me out.

Teething probs aside, this 3.5 and almost 1.5 age combination is really fun (minus the bickering). The boys look so grown up walking down the sidewalk together! These two little ones are such a joy.

On Saturday, Daddy was out hunting all day so we went to a craft show and had friends over. The boys skipped their naps but we made up for it later in the stroller.

The world doesn't revolve around nap-time but it certainly is a better place when naps happen!

Won't be long before I need to break out the winter running gear again! Might as well enjoy shorts while I can :)

I alternated low mileage running and yoga this week again. Yoga and running has proven to be a really good mix for me. Not focusing on mileage has been a great opportunity to run by feel, enjoy each stride and just look around town. There is so much beauty on the run!

My energy is very low lately but I'm on the recovery from a sinus cold and should feel more rested soon (like when the little toddler's teeth finally break through?!).

My Workout #WeeklyWrap:

MON: Sick with a sinus cold/exhaustion sort of mess. I did manage to do some yoga with the littles though. Runner's Yoga, 30:29

TUES: 6 mi, 00:46 @ 07:43 pace. My husband got home, I whipped up a chicken dumpling soup, and took off out the door while they had daddy & sons time. I ran at whatever pace felt comfortable, and though I haven't ran in the 7 min pace area for a while, this felt relaxing and stress-relieving. How I love a good run!

WED:  Off.

THURS: 5.02 double stroller mi, 00:47 @ 09:18 pace.

FRI: Yoga.

SAT: 5.01 double stroller mi, 00:48 @ 09:34 pace. Dad was out hunting, kids napped in the stroller, I got in a run. Win-win-win.

SUN: Off.

What is your favorite workout combination?
Running, yoga, weights, swimming, etc.?

 Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Oh great job getting the miles in the double jogger. With my first two children that's the only way I could sneak in an uneventful long run. Load up the littles, give them a snack and juice and 20 minutes into the run the would sleep and I could get in at least an hour and a half run!
    Hang in there with the teething. I know it's hard on you with the lack of sleep. Add in the seasonal colds and then sleep deprivation begins. Glad you were able to get in a solo run at a pretty speedy comfortable clip!!
    Hope this week you can catch up on your rest!

  2. Looks like you had a great week and I hope your sinus/cold goes away soon. You have a lot to recover from with the marathons and the illness so better to take it easy! I also love yoga and it's a great way to de-stress but also can be an intense workout if you do one of the hot classes too.

  3. Dang girl, 9 minute miles WITH a double stroller is so impressive...I have a hard time hitting that pace alone! Oh well, I remember the days when EVERYTHING revolved around nap time! Believe it or not, now that my three little boys are 15 and older...I actually miss those days sometimes. :)

  4. Yup we go from running in shorts to capris. No jackets needed just yet. Great job on your workouts this week. I run 4x a week but I do love my strength training and weights 2x!

  5. My youngest boys were 2 years and 2 months apart. Those toddler days were exhausting. LOL. On weekends, the youngest refused to take a nap and would fall asleep exhausted on the couch before supper. We'd just carry him upstairs and put in him bed and think WHEW. Low mileage and yoga sounds like a nice combo. Will you run outside all winter? Thanks for linking, Amy!


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