Hello, Goodbye Snow

Our first snow finally showed up!

I made the first footprints down the sidewalk on an early morning rainy and snowy run. The roads were slick and slushy but it was a refreshing change of season. I like snow in November and am quite sick of it by March.

Christmas lights are here and there around town and I'm definitely listening to Christmas music every day. Our lights and mini tree are going up this week, too!

The kids and I made a snowman and enjoyed the fresh snow "crunch" under our boots but soon after...

Our snow was gone. The happy little snowman is now a lonely single snowball surrounded by green grass.

The time with my family was wonderful and my mom even managed to herd our entire group for family pictures. My husband and I took a rare picture together as just the two of us. It was like engagement pictures all over again. We're just 5 years older, that's all ;)

I ate too many slices of pumpkin pie but 'tis the season. I snuck in a few run and yoga sessions this week as keeping a routine helps to work through the holiday season.

Winter has been oddly warm so far but I'm still dreaming of a white Christmas. The snow and ice will arrive soon enough and then it will be time to break out the ice skates! E said he is going to play hockey by himself this year.

My Workout #WeeklyWrap:

11/21 MON: (Treadmill) 4 mi, 00:34 @ 08:24 pace.

11/22 TUES: Runner's Yoga (25:28)

11/23 WED: 5.01 mi, 00:43 @ 08:33 pace. I increased my pace between light posts but kept it relatively easy. Too icy for speedwork outside!

11/24 THURS: Happy Thanksgiving!

11/25 FRI: 5.17 mi, 00:46 @ 08:48 pace. My sister-in-law and I "ran off" some of the Thanksgiving treats and enjoyed our visiting time :) We are both quality time people and that run and a coffee date later that day were the best!

11/26 SAT: Runner's Yoga.

11/27 SUN: Off.

Did you run a "Turkey Trot" race this week?
What was a highlight of your Thanksgiving?

 Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. It looks super cold where you are! It never snows here and I really don't like snow so I'm okay with that. I had way too many desserts this weekend too but snuck in a few runs and some cross training, at least.

  2. That's a great picture! Since things went digital we hardly ever print pictures anymore which is sad. We're due for a new family picture!

    We are still enjoying warm weather here. We generally don't get snow till Christmas but then it's not unusual to have it in March either, uggh!

  3. love all the pictures!!!!
    I miss having a white Christmas, but since ive been here in SC I have acclimated to the heat and now anything below 60 degrees feels like an arctic blast and I feel like I'm freezing,lol!
    I ended up doing a turkey trot and exceeded my expectations. the only run I ran all week last week but ill take it!
    hope you have a good week ahead-great way to add in yoga btw!

  4. OMG. Snow already. wow I am not ready for snow. I love the picture of you and your husband. It looks like you had a fun holiday

  5. Playing in the snow is so much fun. It's a rare opportunity for us. I imagine it also gets tiring after months on end. I can't remember the last time I went ice skating. Fun! It's wonderful you were able to run with your SIL. I bet there was some great conversation going on. That's a great pic of you and the hubs too! Thanks for linking, Amy!


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