Embracing the Race {Book Review}

Running and the journey of life have so many parallels.

Life is full of uphills and downhills, depressing rainy days and perfect sunshiny ones, painful chafing and runner's highs, walls and second winds, agonizing disappointments and surprising victories. It really is a marathon!

Lisa Preuette is a follower of Jesus, wife and mom of two and she shares her insight into running and faith in her book, "Embracing the Race: 40 Devotions for the Runner's Soul".

An avid runner, she’s completed multiple races from 5K to full marathon. Actively involved in women’s ministry at Southeast Christian Church, she thrives on encouraging others in their faith. She resides in Taylorsville, KY.

Lisa sent me a copy of her book and it has been such an encouraging read. Even better — Embracing the Race was released TODAY!

Each day in this devotional book starts with a key Scripture followed by insight into the life of a runner and the relation to our walk with Jesus Christ.

One of my favorites was about embracing the hills on your run as well as in the journey of life. Hills are tough (oh yes they are!) but they are a very necessary tool to gain strength.
"Running hills breaks up your rhythm and forces your muscles to adapt to different stresses. The result? You become a stronger runner." Eamonn Coughlin, 3-Time Irish Olympian
Lisa related Coughlin's quote to the hard times in life that threaten to kill the soul and squash the spirit. Even in the hardest times when going on another step doesn't seem possible, she shares that we can praise our Lord Jesus Christ who walks with us every step of the way.

The Lord equips us with strength for the steep hills in life and, through His promise to never leave or forsake us, our faith is strengthened.

Lisa does a wonderful job of describing the walk of faith through a runner's eyes and her writing is so relatable for runners and non-runners alike. I have enjoyed her writing so much!

As I mentioned before, today is Embracing the Race's release date so stop by Amazon.com to check it out for yourself and read more of Lisa's writing on her blog, www.reststopforthesoul.com.

My Workout #WeeklyWrap:

MON: Runner's Yoga, 30:29

TUES: (Treadmill) 4 mi, 00:34 @ 08:24 pace. Election day treadmill run while watching "The Hungry Caterpillar" on Netflix with the littles.

WED: Runner's Yoga.

THURS: 5.24 mi, 00:49 @ 09:24 pace. So much WIND!!! Ran to the grocery store and back with the kiddos.

FRI: (Treadmill) 4 mi, 00:34 @ 08:25 pace. Some 400m intervals with 400m jog.

SAT: Runner's Yoga with sidekick 2.0.

A photo posted by Amy W (@creativeaim87) on

SUN: Off.

What is your favorite running-related book?

 Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I like all running related books. Dean Karnazas books are my favorite, and I am looking forward to reading his new book that just came out. Embracing the Race sounds like a great read. I will have to add that one to my list.

    1. Definitely! "Born to Run" is another one of my running-related favorites :) I hope to read some of Dean Karnazas' books someday too!

  2. I really haven't read a ton of running books but I really liked The First Ladies of Running which I read this summer. It's all about the ladies who paved the way for us to be able to run marathons (and really any road races) today. There were so many women featured who I'd never even heard of and it's hard to believe women's running has come so far in just 40-50 years.

    Looks like you had a great week of workouts and some speedy stuff in there! I am trying to do more yoga myself to cross train right now.

    1. No kidding! Back in the day, women weren't supposed to run because their uterus would fall out, right?!

  3. I love the picture of your little one lunging with you during yoga. So sweet!

  4. I so wish I had time to read books, blogs are about all I can fit into right now! Ha love the picture of your little one!

    1. Maybe over Thanksgiving or Christmas break?! Hope you get a chance to slow down, Tricia!

  5. It's been a while since I've read a running book. But, I remember reading Sole Sisters and being inspired by many of the women featured in the book. I bet yoga with a little sidekick can get very interesting. Thanks for linking, Amy!

    1. Yes, my little sidekick does keep things interesting, Holly :)


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