Fall Friday Favorites - 10/31

Happy Fitness Friday and safe trick-or-treating to anyone who will be out and about this evening!

Halloween isn't a super special day for our family and I'm honestly not a fan of the creepy and sometimes disgusting costumes out these days, but I do enjoy candy and want E to have fun! I love the adorable costumes they have for little kids these days!

Even on a day like halloween, it is possible to be a light for Christ by simply blessing and encouraging others. I think giving people candy counts as a blessing ;) Chocolate sure blesses me!
"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16 (emphasis added by me)
And onto my Friday 5's...

5 Things That Made My Week

They're not all food-related, I promise :) Writing when hungry is never a good idea and lately I'm always hungry!

Banana-Cakes. A friend on Facebook posted this super complex recipe and I had to try it: 1 banana + 2 eggs, fry, eat. These pancakes rock and they are actually quite healthy! Something that is healthy and sounds good to me is rare when I'm pregnant...

Easy Banana Pancakes

My Little Builder. E was proud to wear his costume for this morning's Pop-In & Play date! He's my "Little Builder" or my mommy-is-cheap version of "Fix-It Felix" from the movie Wreck-It Ralph. We have a bag full of tempting chocolate candies all ready for the neighborhood kids that will make their rounds tonight!

KOOEE! Super Snacks. I won these in a giveaway at Melissa's blog, Fit N Well Mommy, and I'm so excited to try them! Jerky plus trail mix... the perfect combination.

KOOEE! Super Snacks from Fit N Well Mommy

Praying Through Your Pregnancy. This devotional book has been so encouraging. I wish I had it with my first pregnancy! So much of pregnancy is out of our control that it's hard not to worry the weeks away. This book gives me godly perspective for each week and specific prayers and verses for our children.

Praying Through Your Pregnancy by Polimino and Warren

Home Gym Re-Design. I'm brainstorming ideas to re-design my home-gym (a.k.a. the corner of our basement with my treadmill in it). I promise it won't end up looking like this, but one can dream:

View pin here.

5 Favorite Reads Lately

  1. Top 10 Tips for Surviving Morning Sickness by Brandy
  2. Why are Women So Hard on Each Other? at Proverbs31 Ministries
  3. On Your Mark, Get Set, Gain! Pregnancy Weight Gain in Runners at Salty Running.com
  4. The Canvas of Motherhood by Hannah
  5. Marathons & Pregnancy: Should You Run One? by Jenny Hadfield

How is your Friday? Any trick-or-treating plans?

Linking up at Fitness Friday.


  1. what a great list! Happy Friday!

  2. Great link love! My Friday was long coming after a very long and busy week. TGIF!

    1. Thanks, Jill! Hope you get a break this weekend after such a long week!


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