Baby #2: 8 Weeks

Here it is, my first pregnancy update! With my first pregnancy, we took pictures every few weeks on Leo's phone but later lost them (along with his phone) in a blizzard incident and this blog didn't exist back then! I have a few pictures from late pregnancy but nothing from the earlier months.

This time around I'm looking forward to taking pictures and writing a pregnancy update possible weekly or at least each trimester!

Pregnancy Week 8: Baby #2

Cravings: Bananas, broccoli with ranch and basically anything salty. Crackers with cream cheese and ham have been a favorite lately!

Aversions: The smell of black coffee...

Eating: Much more hungry and nauseous throughout the day.

I'm Feeling: Very tired, but my energy is returning compared to last week. SO excited to have Baby #2 on the way and for E to be a big brother!

Sleep: I'm up every night to go the bathroom but besides that it's all good. Blame it on the hormones. I am so thankful E sleeps through the night regularly right now! I hope he keeps that up when Baby #2 arrives... being up with a newborn will be enough for me.

Physical Changes: My belly has popped out but it isn't super obvious yet. With E, I started "showing" officially at 11 weeks so this time around is definitely earlier. I don't mind wearing maternity clothes right now because my regular clothes (especially jeans) are just uncomfortable, especially later in the day.

Weight: For this pregnancy, I started out underweight which was probably a combination of the last half marathon and just chasing E around. My weight started at 125 and I'm up 3 lbs already, almost to my "normal" weight. I gained early in my first pregnancy and hope it all evens out this time, too!

My Prayer for Baby: I am reading through the book "Praying Through Your Pregnancy" and will include my prayer in each update. This book is an awesome guide for praying for your children! It is so important to pray for your children and it's never too late to start!

"Lord, I pray for Baby 2's healthy growth and development. Bless his/her hands that they use them for the good of Your Kingdom and his/her feet that they will always walk with You. Thank You for the special gifts and talents that You give each one of us and I pray that our children use their gifts for Your glory. Thank You, God, for all You are and all You have done for us! Amen."
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. ROMANS 12:4-6b
Last Week's Workouts:
Monday: 3.17 miles early morning miles with the dog, 9:30/mile average
Tuesday: Push-lawn mowing for cross training, ~1.6 miles
Wednesday: 3.17 miles on the treadmill
Thursday: Strength training circuits from
Friday: 4.2 miles with the jogging stroller and the dog, 9:20/mile avg. Feeling really good today!
Saturday: Tired today but managed to get a few miles in. Still not moving very fast! 3.57 miles, 9:26/mile avg.
Total Mileage: 14.11 miles. Crazy low, but still moving.

Anybody have any healthy recipe suggestions?
Or maybe tips to get a toddler to eat veggies?!
If you have been pregnant before, what cravings or aversions did you have in the first trimester?

Linking up at Mommy Moments.


  1. Amy, you look great! I craved salty foods with Mirella and with Keenan, I had an aversion to coffee (even though I love coffee!), too. It's always so interesting to hear about other women's cravings and aversions. I just wonder if any of it is linked to gender?! Have a great Halloween!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! I wonder how baby's gender affects cravings and symptoms, too! I keep saying this one is a girl since I've been more sick compared to E's pregnancy.

  2. You look fantastic! I'm just a few weeks ahead of you - 14 weeks today! I'm going to have to look to you for fitness inspiration! It was really tough to find motivation to workout my first trimester when I was feeling so sick, but now I'm ready to get back at it!

    1. Yes, the first trimester has been really tough for motivation! At almost 10 weeks now, exercise is getting a little more enjoyable again :) I look forward to following your pregnancy updates!


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