Friday Five Reasons I Run

Hello, Friday! Hope your Friday is going wonderfully this morning.

I pulled a smooth move this morning by pouring old half n' half into my freshly brewed coffee. Moral of the story: Always smell milk or half n' half before you add it to your coffee.

5 Reasons I Run

1. To be a healthy example for my family. Little man is always watching and I hope he picks up more good habits from me than bad. I already caught him biting his nails like mama once... not good! I'm still working on breaking that nervous habit!

2. So I can eat these brownies and not feel bad about it. Of course I recommend eating them in moderation, but I just had to eat two of them because they were fresh out of the oven. I cut them small, okay?! Don't judge me ;)

3. Running is a low-cost sport. Goodbye hockey equipment and tennis rackets! All I need to run is a good pair (or two) of shoes. I alternate between these two types of shoes and that works for me.

Race fees can get expensive if you race a lot each year, so I try to be picky about the races I run. One marathon or a couple half's a year is great with me and then a 5k or two always sneaks in there, too.

4. Goal-setting motivates me. Some nerds love training logs and goals. I'm one of those nerds! Dailymile has been a great online training log and it's so easy to work with. Training for races motivates me to get up and run early in the morning!


5. Running has made me a morning person. Waking up early for long runs has taught me to appreciate the early morning quiet time. Time in prayer and reading my Bible followed by a run is my favorite way to spend the morning.

Now if only I could stay awake through an entire movie in the evening... I am proud to say I made it through the whole movie "God's Not Dead" two nights ago! It was that good!

Verse 5

To go with the Friday 5 theme, verse 5 from Ecclesiastes 11 blew me away this week.

When I try to understand God's ways, I am absolutely awestruck. As a chase our little man around the house, I can't believe that he is the same little baby that was formed in my womb. God is truly amazing!
As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. ECCLESIASTES 11:5

5 Places I Would Love to Run

Moose Mountain Marathon on the Superior Hiking Trail
View image here.

My brothers and I hiked across the Grand Canyon a few years ago. Maybe some day I will run across the Canyon!
View image here.

I've never been to New York before! Why not run the New York City Marathon while we visit.
View image here

Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, MN. Because it's in my home-state and I haven't ran it yet!
View image here

A girl can dream right? One day we will have kids that want to go to Disney World. Might as well go during the Walt Disney World Marathon!
View image here

Why do you run?
What has left you awestruck this week?

Linking up at Fitness Friday.


  1. The Moose Mountain Trail Marathon sounds awesome!!!! I'd do a half... or 10k... ;) Grand Canyon would be amazing as well! :) Love YOU!!!

  2. Hmmm after researching it, it looks like it's only a marathon, 50 mile or 100 mile race. I'll probably just hike and explore up there while you run! ;)

    1. You never know, the marathon may grow on you :) Otherwise, yes, hiking is a must. I love the Superior Hiking Trail!

  3. Yay for morning people! I have managed to make running a non-low-cost sport :)

    Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for linking up with Fitness Friday!

    1. Hope you had a wonderful long weekend! Running is so awesome for that reason - all you need is a good pair of shoes and a trusty running watch, if you're getting crazy :)

  4. I love getting up early to workout. There is something about the calmness and quietness of the morning all to myself!

    1. I agree! It's so nice to have peace before the family wakes up!

  5. Running in the Grand Canyon would be flippin amazing!
    I have to agree with your 5, but I was always a morning person.

    1. I'm hoping to run there one day - we did a little running on our hike, but nothing crazy. They have a "rim to rim" marathon at the Grand Canyon and it would be so intense!

  6. I was able to run on a short portion of the Grand Canyon trail and along side the canyon when I visited, but I'd love to run across the Grand Canyon, too!

    1. It's probably one of my favorite places to travel ever! Absolutely breath-taking.

  7. Good for you. I do not run,but I do walk.


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