When Is It Time for Baby #2?

This post is linked up with "One Year and Beyond" and we are covering the topic "Deciding when the time is right for baby #2".

Our topic this week is one near and dear to my heart. Having a sibling for E has been on our hearts for a while. Actually, for the last ten months or so. **Disclaimer: This post is about pregnancy and all that business, so read beyond this point at your own risk!**

With our first baby, E, we were pregnant in the first cycle of "trying". This time around has been another story. After I ran the Blue Ox Marathon in October 2013, Leo and I decided it was time to add to our family. A few months passed after that and we still weren't pregnant.

When E turned 14 months old, I reluctantly weaned him from nursing and thought maybe, just maybe my cycle would return. A couple more months pass and still not pregnant. He will be 18 months in September and never imagined we wouldn't be pregnant again at this point!

All I can say is this has been a journey and a rather frustrating one at that. God has been using this struggle to teach me so much and I do truly feel peace in my heart now, despite still having a strong desire for more children. Everything will work out in His perfect timing.

Here are a few lessons I have learned while waiting for Baby #2.

- Respond gently to the questions. When asked about when we will have another baby, I simply respond "We're working on it!" with a smile. Sometimes I get a funny look in response but, hey, they asked! Usually that's the end of the conversation :)
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. PROVERBS 15:1
- Give people grace. Questions about child-planning and comments like "just wait until you have more kids" can be frustrating when you are struggling with getting pregnant. Give people grace and try not to take it as a personal attack. Chances are that they mean no harm but words can feel careless and hurtful anyways.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. EPHESIANS 4:2
- Surrender your desire for children to God. God knows the desires of your heart. Be honest with God and share the worries in your heart with Him. God isn't a "genie in a bottle" and He doesn't always answer our prayers the way we want Him to but He does know what is best for us. I need to continually ask God to change my heart to be in line with His will.
Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires. PSALM 37:4
- Comfort others who are struggling. Focusing on encouraging and comforting others helps me to keep my focus off myself and my troubles. Sharing my weaknesses with others is not easy for me, yet I am learning over time that I am able to help others more when I do so. When we pursue God, He gives us supernatural strength and peace so that we can help others who are struggling themselves.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-4
- Rejoice, pray and give thanks. When you want something so badly, it's easy to forget to be thankful for all God has done. I am hoping for another baby someday but my hope is not in another baby. Our days on this earth are numbered and I don't want to be blind to the wonderful blessings God has given me because I am focusing on something else.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16-18
We're going to keep on living one day at a time, praying for another baby and continue hoping for wonderful things to come. God has great things planned for His children, the best of all being eternal life with Him!

One more thing - We do have another addition to our family but he is much more hairy than a newborn baby. Meet E's new partner-in-crime, Saul :)

How did you know it was the "right" time to have children/have more children?
How do you handle questions about your personal life?

Linking up with the Weekly Infertility link-up.


  1. Amy, you nailed it! It has been a roller coaster for us the last year and a half of trying for baby #2. God has been using my struggle to teach me as well and I also feel an overwhelming peace in my heart now that I have handed it all over to God. I was trying to control my life and I learned, it's not mine. Just earlier this year, this topic was still hard for me to talk about, but finding others in the same situation helped me relate to someone when everyone else in my life was having babies! :) I encourage others to find someone to open up about it with. And thank you Amy for your listening ear and wise words through this struggle. Though miles apart, we're close at heart. :) Praying for strength and peace for you and hubby while trusting in God's timing.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Kristina - I have really appreciated working through this journey together! I guess that's one positive note for social media; we are able to connect and continue to encourage each other even from miles away!

      I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. Thank you for encouraging others who are going through this, too!

  2. Beautiful post Amy! This applies to so many struggles and is still something I'm working on with our housing situation. I can't wait to rejoice with you when baby number 2 is on the way. Love you!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth :) It seems that we are all waiting on something aren't we? Whether it's a husband, career, house, kids, new season of life... etc. We're always waiting on the next thing. I heard in a podcast that we try to always look to the next great thing because our souls are actually longing for God, and for heaven.

      I am so thankful for our friendship! And I look forward to sharing the good news with you one day, Lord-willing :)

  3. I am visiting form the link up. Wonderful post. I think its wonderful you have had the strength to just hand it over to God. I pray you find strength in knowing He will handle it all.

    1. Exactly, Jamie - God has it all under control! Now I just need to trust Him completely and let it go :)

  4. Thank you for sharing such an emotional post with us all. There are some great reminders in here.

  5. Mmmm this is a stellar post - I love your heart and how God speaks to you with scripture. Such wisdom - ahh I love you so much!! :) Praying for you dear friend and sister - I'm excited for what God has in store!!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, sister! I love you and am so excited, too!

  6. Beautiful post Amy! I'm praying E will have a sibling soon! It's always hard when you want something so badly that it's out of your hands. Faith will always guide you through! xo

    1. Yes, God does guide our way and give us strength throughout the journey. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Amy, thanks so much for linking up to my blog this week. These are some great reminders to anyone waiting for #1 or #2!


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