Not Your Typical Obstacle Course: Reebok SPARTAN Race Entry Giveaway! {closed}
Have you heard of the Spartan Race?
I hadn't until last week! I'm just a simple long-distance runner but, I have to admit, it does appeal to the farm kid side of me.
Growing up on a farm is like living on an "impromptu obstacle course". What kid doesn't love to run around in the pasture, clean barn, and climb anything and everything? And then there are the less enjoyable obstacles... running into the electric fence, excessive dirt (aka manure!), and hauling square alfalfa bales that are a bit too green. Now that I'm off the farm, I push myself through running (well... and through parenting).
In whatever physical activity you do, there is a thrill in pushing yourself beyond your limits.
The Spartan Race is a hard-core obstacle course designed to do just that. They even have barbed wire! What a treat. Make the wire electric and I'm sure any farm kid would feel at home!
Dirt, fun, sweat, and no couch. What's not to love!
Spartan Race Mission
Spartan Race is on a mission to get you active, healthy, excited about change, and return to our ancient roots where running through woods, getting dirty, and facing adversity was part of everyday life. Our events are all about challenging today’s perception of normal.Our events challenge the familiar, today’s perception of normal living and getting you out of your comfort zone! At Spartan Race, we do this everyday and it shapes everything we do.
Having experienced many different racing events, we wanted to make adventure racing more accessible to everyone, but do not be fooled by the word ‘accessible’, as our events have a challenge for everyone’s needs.
Spartan Race now introduces a level for everyone beginning with the entry level Spartan Sprint, intermediate level Super Spartan, the advanced Spartan Beast, and the ‘99.9% need not apply’ extreme level Death Race.
Whatever your level, SPARTAN RACE will test your strength, stamina, and sense of humor. (Source: SPARTAN RACE Obstacle Racing)
Learn more about the Spartan Race here.
Enter the SPARTAN RACE Entry Giveaway!
***This giveaway is now closed*** Kasparbauer Family is the free race entry winner!Are you ready to accept the challenge and take on the SPARTAN RACE? Enter below for your free SPARTAN RACE entry!
The winner will be chosen by The deadline for the giveaway is April 8th! The winner will be notified and also be listed on this post after the giveaway closes.
- Leave a Comment: Which race would you enter? See event map below. (required)
- Follow Life to the Full on Facebook.
- Follow Spartan Race on Facebook.
- Share this Giveaway on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram.
Even if you do not win the free entry, click here for 15% off any Spartan Race!
Disclaimer: I was not compensated in any way for this giveaway all opinions are of my own. Reebok SPARTAN Race was kind enough to offer a free race giveaway in exchange for this post!
Linking up at Fit Tip Tuesday and Healthy Tuesday.
the Wisconsin race