Running Recap: 4/29-5/4

It's been a good week of running! E and I roadtripped even farther north to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa E while Leo was at drill. We miss him but the weekend has flown by. While Grandma was watching E his morning, I went out for my long run and enjoyed gravel and minimum maintenance roads. They aren't real "trails" but it's a nice change from running on pavement all week! The trail running bug is definitely starting to hit now that it's drying up outside...

I'm planning to do a post on trail running soon. You can find all kinds of wonderful things on the trails; wildlife, beautiful scenery, fresh air, and a full deck of Pokemon cards that some kid lost on a trail... Seriously, I found a deck of Pokemon cards on a long run once out in the woods. Did I take them home and try to clean them off? Yes, but they were dirty and wet beyond repair :(

{Weekly Workouts}

M - 4 mile jogging stroller run with E + 30-Day Shred DVD (L3)

T - 6 mile AM run, 5 mile PM run with TRF River Runners

W - 30 minute cadence run + yoga

H - 45 minute run with hill repeats - Exhausted. The sleep deprivation caught up to me today. I had a massage today that was phenomenal! Both of my hips were out after having E.

F - XT - 30-Day Shred DVD L3. I'm not a fan of Jillian Michaels at all, but she sure knows how to make a hard workout!

S - 7 mile LR

Total Mileage: 29.7 miles


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