Warming Things Up | Luvo Bundle Review

Disclaimer: I received a Luvo Bundle of my choice in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

Here in the northern parts of Minnesota we're singing a new song this week:

 "I'm dreaming of a white October, just like one that happened a few years ago..."

It seems our Fall has been shortened but most Minnesnowtans (at least around here) are sure it will melt soon. I agree with that. Now if this snow sticks around until April 2019, I may just lose my Minnesota-loving mind!

While the snow is here, we're rocking our new routine of the kids heading outside to play in the snow immediately after breakfast, snow gear strewn all over our house and hot chocolate with our morning basket reads.

Though 38 degrees is a considerably warm temp for winter around here, it's NOT winter. So let's warm things up a bit as I give you a quick lowdown on my latest review, a couple tasty, warm dishes from Luvo. As a BibRave Pro, I received the Southwest Inspired Sampler from the Luvo Bundles selection which includes four Quinoa & Veggie Enchilada Verde bowls and four Chicken Chorizo Chili bowls.

Having Luvo meals on hand is so, for lack of a better word, handy. Our life lately has felt like a tornado of little people. Sweet and so fun but the activity starts at 6:30 am and only ceases at 8 pm unless they all end up taking a nap.

That being said, I've found my food-loving self can actually forget to feed myself. Remembering to eat has never been a problem for me! But I've found with the morning lessons for our Kindergartener, finding fun activities for our 3-yr-old and keeping baby out of trouble, feeding myself just seems like an extra hassle. And now I'm wondering how on earth I had fit marathon training into my life before I was injured 6 weeks ago! Somehow we make it work out, right?

So. Luvo.

I've found that after our morning devotional, read aloud books and my Kindergartener's individual lessons, the older boys go off for a "free play" break and I eat MY lunch before making their lunch. The Luvo bowl takes approximately 5 minutes to cook/cool and be ready to eat. It definitely has taken the hassle out of my lunch break.

I have always associated microwave meals with super high sodium but that's not the case with Luvo. The two meals in this Southwest bundle contain 340-360 mg of sodium each. That's not too bad.

Both of the flavors are quite tasty! The Quinoa & Veggie Enchilada Verde is my favorite as it has a nice mix of veggie and citrus flavor, with some but not too much spice. It's a vegetarian dish so I do add my own deli turkey meat and sometimes avocado to "beef things up" a bit. Vegetarian dishes don't leave me feeling full for very long.

The Chicken Chorizo Chili is good but has a little too much of a spicy kick for me. I mellow it out with sour cream and then it's fine by me. Below is a picture of the Chicken Chorizo Chili, as is:

This Luvo Bundle included 4 bowls of the two flavors (8 total bowls) for $43.12 currently on their website which computes out to $5.39 per bowl. These bowls are a quick, healthy option if you're on the go a lot or just short for time.

If you want to try Luvo for yourself, check out their variety of Luvo Bundle flavors and use code BRPFREESHIP for free shipping on your Luvo! (One-time use, valid 10/9 6pm - 10/23 11:59pm)

What is your go-to meal in a pinch?

My Weekly Wrap

Easing back into running after a second degree groin pull/hip flexor strain in mid-August.

SUN: Off

MON: Easy Run 3.4 mi, 00:31 @ 09:07 pace at 6 wks post-injury. Felt a little stiff on front-right side groin/adductor. Likely due to tight IT bands and hamstring. Need to do hip stretches DAILY! The stiffness felt a bit better as I warmed up.

TUES: Chiro appointment this morning and afternoon Runner’s Yoga. She said to avoid core exercises that twist — that was likely the culprit bothering my injury. It’s sounding more like a hip flexor strain as this healing process carries on. Our chiro has been so helpful!

WED: Cycling 10.5 mi and rehab exercises for the hip flexor sprain. Knowing the problem at least helps direct the rehab process! (Especially exercises to DO or NOT to do) Signed up for Fargo Marathon. 2019 too... :) Here’s to that being my first complete Hanson’s training cycle.


FRI: Cycling 10.64 mi 00:30 21.3mph pace

SAT: (Treadmill) Easy Run 3.32 mi, 00:30 @ 09:02 pace while the kids watched PJ Masks.

And I finally made it out for a snowy run on Sunday!

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Replies
    1. Not on the big snowy day! I waited til most of it had melted and the roads were clean. Not sure my moody hip flexor could handle it yet!

  2. I never forget to feed myself! I heard about those Luvo foods and was wondering how they were.

    1. I usually wouldn't either!!! Once our babe gets a little older, I think I'll be back to my normal eating-every-couple-hours self ;)

  3. The chicken chorizo looks delicious. If you have Amy's in stores near you, many of their dishes are also relatively low sodium
    mm hot cocoa!

    1. I've never tried those before! I do love that these have lower sodium than some meals :)

  4. I remember those white Octobers while living in Northern Michigan and Minnesota. I never wore a Halloween costume without a winter jacket over it! lol!

    1. Hahah yes! Halloween costumes that work with winter attire are a MUST!

  5. I get busy on weekends and often skip meals. Luvo sounds like a great solution. I'm glad you've found out what your hip issue is and can do the specific exercises to aid in recovery. Wow-It's so hard to imagine snow. But I bet your kids are loving it right now. Thanks for linking!

    1. The kids have loved it! Now it melted but it's sure to return next month perhaps. By January the novelty of snow will wear off and we'll all be whining up here!


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