Chasing More Zzz's | Bedgear Review

Disclaimer: I received a Bedgear Performance Pillow in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Lack of sleep really takes a toll on our bodies. That's been the past week or so in a nutshell - I feel sluggish, my emotions feel a little haywire and my neck/shoulder muscles are tense (usually because I was rocking a baby or sitting in some weird position most of the night).

Not every night involves being up 3 or 4 times but, when those nights come, the residual exhaustion seems to linger for days after. As our baby has been waking more at night thanks to either popping his 5th tooth or his new walking milestone, you're catching me in one of those residual exhaustion phases. So what better time to test a new pillow, right? A new pillow is yet another reason to be excited about bedtime!

As a BibRave Pro, I received a Bedgear Performance Pillow to review. Bedgear's website claims that they are "Bedding for People Who Like Being Awake" and, yes, I do like to be awake after a good night's rest! Unlike any other pillow buying experience I have had, the first step to selecting my Bedgear pillow began with a... quiz? It's a good thing, I promise.

Pillow ID asks a few questions in order to fit you with the performance pillow that meets your unique needs. After answering four quick questions, I was matched up with the Balance 1.0 pillow because of my small frame and all-over-the-place sleep style.

After three weeks of sleeping on my Balance 1.0 pillow, I would say the Pillow ID made a great match. I like the firmer, elevated feel and I don't feel like I'm overheating (my sleep pet peeve). Though I'm still up at least once a night with our littlest boy, when I crawl back into bed I sleep really well. Now my husband wants one. We'll see which pillow fits him best!

Bedgear offers a huge selection of pillows and other products to fit every body type and sleeping preference. Take the Pillow ID to see what pillow you match up with.

Once you've found your match, take 15% off your online order with discount code "BIBRAVE15" (excluding WOW Deals, valid through 11/30/18). I just ordered my husband a Balance 3.0 and can't wait to for it to arrive!

What is your sleeping "pet peeve"?

My Weekly Wrap

Easing back into running after a 2nd degree groin pull in mid-August.

SUN: Off. Recovery after Saturday's Half Marathon.

We ran together the whole race and celebrated #NationalCoffeeDay with post-race lattes!

MON: Stretching and foam rolling after the half marathon on Saturday. We didn't run particularly fast but that was still 2:55 spent on my feet and my quads reminded me of that! My groin/adductor felt a little sore but it was likely due to my tight hips.

TUES: 00:25, Runner's Yoga (Ekhart Yoga on YouTube)

WED: 4.08 mi, 00:33 @ 08:01 pace. I headed out for an injury "test run" to see how my recovery process is going since the half marathon last weekend. It was windy/snowy/cold but a run sounded great anyways. It takes me a little to get warmed up, but I felt GREAT. No pain! Just a little stiffness in the adductor, but not in the front of my pelvis where it was before. Much better.

Miles were 8:24, 8:01, 8:09, 7:38 and my cardio system didn't feel terribly taxed. The biking must be helping with the cardio a little! Did planks that night. That's about all the strength I will do for now, as some of the other McMillan Runner's Core exercises seemed to be aggravating my adductor problem area.

THURS: Cycling 10 mi, 00:31 @ 19.4mph pace. Trying to keep a good rotation going of cycling, running and yoga.

FRI: Off

SAT: Off

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. As an over 50 female, getting too hot at night would be my biggest pet peeve. And it happens all the time! I'm glad you were able to enjoy a half marathon, even if you didn't consider it to be fast. Just getting out there is always enjoyable. It sounds like your injury is coming along nicely. Fingers crossed. Thanks for linking.

    1. Bleh! Yes, hot sleeping drives me nuts! I never sleep very well when I'm too hot. And my dreams seem to be crazy, too.

  2. I love my bead gear pillow! I have a slightly different one than you do but I love how cool it stays.

    1. Same! A cool pillow and blanket are the best :)

  3. Glad to see you recovering nicely from your injury. But did you use the "s" word? As in snow? As much as I'm loving cooler weather running, I'm not ready for that!!!

    I've heard a lot about that pillow--glad to hear you like it! I wonder if it comes in down feather-like softness?

    1. Yes... the S word!!! And it's snowing like crazy today as I write this. What has happened, Wendy?! The Midwest has gone nuts! ;)

      I bet they do have a softer pillow option - check out the Pillow ID and there may be a fit for you. I'm all about the firm pillows, so the Balance 1.0 may be a little too firm for your taste.

  4. Yay for no pain on your test run! I probably am due for a new pillow .... I'll have to check these out.

    1. Go for it! I just ordered my husband the Balance 3.0. He was a little jealous of my new pillow :)

  5. We just ordered a new mattress and got talked into buying the BedGear cooling mattress pad/cover. I did not realize that BedGear made other products. I may take advantage of your code since we will probably be getting new pillows too. Thanks!


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