#Gmas18 Marathon Training: Month Two Update

Disclaimer: I received free entry to Grandma's Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

8 weeks down, 8 weeks to go in training for the Grandma's Marathon! 

First off. How was that for an EPIC Boston Marathon?! Des Linden pulled off a difficult yet amazing victory in the cold, wind and rain. I love her humble and genuine heart. Her tweet below applies so much to life as well as the marathon. I took a screenshot and pretty sure I'm printing it off and taping it on the treadmill.

Every day, with the strength only God can give, I will keep showing up!

Amongst the cold and flu bugs working their way through our family, I managed to have a doctor appointment for myself. Just a regular ole physical, nothing fancy, but I was so pumped to learn that my new doctor is running Grandma's Marathon, too - for her fourth time. She was amazing to visit with and so encouraging. I wish I would have had her for my first son's pregnancy!

We talked about how running is not bad for your knees. Running during pregnancy is actually good for baby and mama (for regular runners). And I really need to start wearing sunscreen more often... I'll get on that.

For the past 5 full marathons and all half marathons I have been either breastfeeding or (unknowingly) pregnant and my doctor gave me peace of mind as far as diastasis recti (gap in abdominal muscles after pregnancy) and pelvic floor strength.

I want to make sure I’m healed after each baby to have a strong foundation and build from there; whether it’s to be my best for daily tasks as a wife/mom, running or future pregnancy. It’s so helpful to have a doctor who understands runner things!

The past 8 weeks have flown by (not to mention my baby is 5 months old...time slow down) and training for Grandma’s has really been fun! As always, the training runs can be a challenge to fit in but I enjoy the challenge.

With 20-miler #1 under my belt now, I feel like I crossed a mental barrier and I’m really going to do this marathon thing again!

#Gmas18 Training W8 Recap

Follow along the 16-week journey as I train for my 10th 26.2, the Grandma’s Marathon coming up on June 16, 2018. I look forward to running with fellow BibRave Pros Angie, Amy and Jenn!


Easy Effort 5 mi, 00:48 @ 09:40 pace with side planks + leg raises after. Frustratingly that right knee has still been bugging me on and off and now I’m wondering if weak quads and hips are to blame. I’m going that route and working on strength! The knee felt great today, so maybe the planks are already paying off. Core strength routine after run (side planks + leg lifts).


Off. Today was supposed to be an early morning run but I skipped it due to the hubs not feeling well. He needed more sleep and I didn't have the heart to leave him with the baby, who tends to be an early bird (like his mama).


“Goal Pace” 7.37 mi, 01:00 @ 08:08 pace run early this morning. It wasn’t my marathon goal pace, per say, or 1:30 like the plan requested BUT it was the best I could do today. Personally I’m okay with how it went! I could have kept going but my baby timer went off ;) Core routine post-run.


(Treadmill) Easy Effort 5.12 mi, 00:45 @ 08:47 pace + core routine on this beautiful morning... Hubs still isn’t feeling well so I didn’t leave him with the baby. Thankfully we played outside a bunch today!




Long Run 20.02 mi, 02:51 @ 08:32 pace and the first 20-miler I’ve ran since 2016! The time and miles flew by fast today (goal was sub-9 pace) I plan to run one or two more 20-milers before race day. The key is I need to fit them in whenever my hubs isn’t working on the weekend. Today worked great! The core routine is paying off because I had zero issues with runner’s knee. Praise the Lord!


Easy Effort + core routine.


What are your thoughts on Boston 2018?

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I thought the American women definitely showed the world how tough they are! I'm so happy about Des's win. It is so nice to have doctors who are athletes! You had an amazing first 20 mile run. I anticipate they only get better too. I hope the illness has run the course in your household and everyone is now healthy! Thanks for linking.

    1. It feels so good to be understood! Past doctors have been like "wait... you run marathons? Get her in the psyche ward!". jk ;)

  2. Wow our training looks like it's going really well! have a great week

  3. I would love a doctor who understood runner things! I think it makes such a difference. Loved Des' quote - just made her sound so much more relatable.

    1. I was so thankful to run into her and totally shocked when she mentioned running Grandma's too!

  4. There was a really great article in Runner's World about the high dropout rate for men at Boston vs. women. Women are TOUGH!

    Great week of training for you, excited for your Grandma's race, I love that one!

  5. I LOVED Desi's tweet! So motivational. Congrats on a great 20 miler!


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