Brrr, It's Cold in Here + GODSPEED Review

Disclaimer: I received a sneak peek of the upcoming documentary GODSPEED as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Hey, all! Straight out of the gate, Spring 2018 has been a cold one. I just listened to the weather and apparently we're at near record lows. That seems to be the trend for many of my fellow midwest runners.

This morning the -17°F "real feel" easily persuaded me to pursue the treadmill and with little complaint. Being drenched in sweat feels much nicer than freezing my face off! But, in all seriousness, the treadmill has been one of the most useful tools as a mother runner.

When training for spring marathons in the past, I have told myself that those freezing cold runs will make me all the stronger for race day. It's a nice thought but, honestly, the cold weather training is really not that helpful. Many spring marathons I have ran end up being HOT and HUMID... leaving me flopping like a fish out of water. (What should I do, train in a sauna over the winter?!)

Anyways, on the topic of my weather ramblings, imagine the varying conditions you would run into covering 3,000 miles in The Race Across America. Crossing 12 states and competing 24 hours a day for seven days through deserts, mountains and plains. I can't imagine how they trained to prepare for all of the terrain and weather variables!

As a BibRave Pro, I received a sneak peek viewing of the upcoming documentary GODSPEED that follows two men, Jerry Schemmel and Brad Cooper, along with their support crew on this wild ride from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. Not only is The Race Across America a cross-country adventure, it is also, as the name notes, a race against other 2-person and 4-person teams.

I was inspired by Team Enduring Hope's humble hearts, their absolute perseverance through physical and mental trials, and their dependence on their faith in God. Schemmel, Cooper and their team embarked on this amazing endeavor to raise money for orphans in Haiti.

Do they complete the journey? And how do they fare against the competition?

That's for me to know and you to find out when GODSPEED hits theaters on May 22! Mark it on your calendars and get your tickets now, endurance junkies.

I'm certainly not a biker yet I couldn't resist this amazing story of faith and endurance. For those of you with littles, the documentary is PG :) My kiddos watched the "cool biker guys" for the first 30 minutes... before attention spans wore thin.

#Gmas18 Training W6 Recap

Follow along the 16-week journey as I train for my 10th 26.2, the Grandma’s Marathon coming up on June 16, 2018. I look forward to running with fellow BibRave Pros Angie, Amy and Jenn!


Extra Recovery Day. Runner’s Yoga with Elkhart Yoga on YouTube to help with right knee issue. Feels like symptoms of Runner’s Knee coming on... and another cold too (baby has one 😩). I’m guessing the knee issue is from running all on pavement for the long run instead of gravel+pavement and my pink Scott running shoes need to be retired. That’s my hunch and I hope it’s right! Back to running tomorrow.


(Treadmill) Easy Effort 4.13 mi, 00:40 @ 09:41 pace in my Adidas UltraBoost X shoes... not the old(er) Scott shoes I wore for the long run on Saturday!!! The symptoms of Runner’s Knee are gone now and cold symptoms aren’t as bad as yesterday. On the mend!


(Treadmill) Speed Intervals 5.38 mi, 00:45 @ 08:21 pace this evening because I needed more rest this morning. 6x800m with 400m rest didn’t feel too bad because this cold is mainly in my head, not chest.




(Treadmill) Easy Effort 6.2 mi, 01:00 @ 09:40 pace that I finally woke up early for. Snoozed my alarm to 5:15 and then got up. The -17°F real feel outside just wasn’t worth braving. Hope it’s warmer tomorrow! 🤞


Long Run 16.04 mi, 02:19 @ 08:40 avg pace in 25°F and 10-ish mph winds. I used the Orange Mud gear vest for hydration and my gels to run an 8-mile out, 8-mile back route. I ran in the Under Armour HOVRs this time and had no knee issues. Praise the Lord! Last week’s long run knee twinges had me a little nervous.



TOTAL MILEAGE: 31.75 miles

What is the last movie you went to see in theaters?

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Sounds like a very inspiring story! I don't blame you on the treadmill. I am the same way. The treadmill beats the cold and wind any day.

    1. Exactly! Sometimes being "hardcore" outside just isn't worth it. I would rather be cozy :)

  2. Another great week of training! I trained for a hot weather race in the winter by doing "heat training". I wore sweats, a hat, gloves, and ran on my treadmill sans fan. It was really effective! I think the only thing better would be running in sauna.

    1. Thanks for the heat training suggestions, Wendy! It sounds miserable, but I really should try running on the treadmill in layers.

  3. The movie looks interesting! I love those kind of documentaries. You're right, planning for weather for that kind of adventure would be hard. I haven't gone to a movie in theaters in a long time but this weekend I watched I, Tonya when I visited my parents. I thought the actors did a great job personifying the roles.

    1. This is definitely one worth seeing in theaters! I'm not crazy about going to the movies but my husband loves movie dates :)

  4. Oh, that movie sounds great - I love learning how real people push through challenges like that.

    Sounds like you had a pretty good week overall. ;-)

    1. Exactly! Their perseverance is so inspiring.

  5. Nice job on that long run! The weather has not been too cooperative around here either. I hear great things on the documentary can't wait to check it out

  6. Yup, Spring is totally on vacation and does not want to make an appearance. It actually snowed her eon Monday, lol

    Thanks for your review of Godspeed. I haven't heard of it before but I definitely want to check it out now.

    Awesome job with your training this week!

  7. We had a couple days of sub-ZERO feels-like temps last week, too. I simply postponed my run because the 'mill is right below our daughter's bedroom and she would not have appreciated all that commotion at 05:00 LOL

  8. Godspeed looks like an incredible story-will definitely check it out-thanks for the review and have a great week!

  9. I am a biker (well, sort of) so I'd like to see Godspeed. I think the last movie I saw in a theater was Star Wars. I'm glad your knee issue didn't last long and I hope that cold goes away soon. Thanks for linking!

    1. You definitely are considered a biker in my book, Holly! This movie is sure to inspire - even non-bikers like me ;)


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