Look (Don't Smell) Like a Runner | SmellWell Review

Disclaimer: I received SmellWell odor-eliminating pouches to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

"You look like a runner."

Doesn't that feel like a compliment? I mean, who doesn't want to look like a runner! After watching a couple of my marathons last year, my husband swears that runners have a certain "look" to them.

Being that runners come in all shapes and sizes, I haven't been able to pinpoint that common denominator just yet. Maybe it's the tights-wearing in the cool weather, fancy GPS watches or bright neon gear in the summer months that gives us away?

Now say someone approaches you and says:

"You smell like a runner."

That probably wouldn't make you smile, right? I know I would probably slink away to the nearest shower. My Shoes + Lots of Miles ≠ Smells Like Roses

Runners do cover a lot of miles and things are bound to get smelly!

As a BibRave Pro, I received the SmellWell Pouches to absorb moisture and eliminate the odor in my running gear.

SmellWell pouches absorb the moisture lingering in your gym bag, running shoes or other sporting equipment, prevents the growth of bacteria and effectively eliminates the odor. The fresh scent is very effective and my shoes smell great even after removing the pouches. I like that the smell-good sticks around and I'm sure my family appreciates it as well!

I chose the Pink Zebra SmellWell pouches because, well, the pink zebra pattern is awesome. They do come in a bunch of other patterns as well (if Pink Zebra isn't your thing): Blue Leopard, Green Camo, Flower Power, Black Shadow, and White Zebra. Though the patterns differ, the SmellWell pouches come in one scent.

A pack of two SmellWell pouches is $9.95 and they are currently running a Spring Special of buy 3 get 1 free and buy 6 get 1 free (as of 03/27/17)!

I have used SmellWell pouches in my diaper bag, running shoes and I even tried them in my hockey skates. They are very effective and I love the scent. Every locker room could use these SmellWell pouches!

After using them for the past 3 weeks, my SmellWell pouches haven't lost any of their scent intensity either. SmellWell lasts for 3 to 4 months! 

SmellWell's pouches are an awesome addition to your running gear or gym bag, especially if you are a human that sweats (like me).

Join us for #BibChat with SmellWell on Twitter on APRIL 4 at 8 PM CST for a chance to win SmellWell pouches for yourself!

Hot Chocolate 15k Training Week 5:


5.16 mi, 00:50 @ 09:35 pace with double stroller. Beautiful 50 degree day! I felt very nauseous at the beginning of the run but better later on. Ran farther than planned because it was just too beautiful to stop!


Vinyasa Yoga Flow video


4 mi, 00:39 @ 09:50 pace with double stroller. It was colder and windier than I thought! I've been chilled to the bone the whole day after that run. Thankfully the kiddos were cozy in the weather shield!




3.11 mi, 00:30 @ 09:47 pace. Early morning run with the dog as my pacer.


"Long Run": 0.17 mi, 00:02:41 @ 15:47 pace. Yes, this was my Saturday long run. I started out with a 1-hour run of 6 to 7 miles planned and ended up walking home after dry heaving a few times. Thank you, morning sickness! #imnotcomplaining

My husband makes a special cheese sauce spread on toast (called "Monkey on Toast") and it was the only thing that could calm my nausea that day.


Rest day.

What do you think most runners have in common? (besides occasionally smelling bad!)

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Great review! I've thought about products that remove odor, as running clothes can definitely get some funk that lingers a little too long! Great job on your workouts too! Hope you're feeling better!

  2. Ahem...morning sickness? I think congratulations are in order! The SmellWell pouches are a great idea. My summer running shoes definitely could use some help. I had to wear running shoes home on a flight once because they were too smelly to put in my carryon. I thought the passengers would complain. LOL. Good luck as you continue to train for the 15k. When is it? Thanks for linking, Amy!

    1. Thank you, Holly! Yes, the morning sickness has been extra bad with this baby. I guess it's a good sign, in a way :) The 15k is coming up Easter weekend!


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