Be Authentically, Uniquely, Distinctly You! {Book Review}

Distinctly You by Cheryl Martin isn't your typical self-help book that tells you to look "inside yourself" to discover who you really are. She points us to the true source of our identity — God.

Martin begins by explaining that God has meticulously planned our design from our looks and intelligence to our personality and heritage. Everything! He made us with something specific in mind that is perfectly matched with our specific blend of abilities and characteristics.

While the world picks on those who go against the "norm", God created us to stand out, to be unique, the best we can be... to be distinct.
"When you are distinct, you allow God's Word to be your standard for living, not popular opinion or popular culture; not what your neighbors or co-workers are doing, or what your favorite television show espouses, but God. It is impossible to experience distinction as God intended by going your own way or following the crowd." Distinctly You, p. 115 (emphasis added)
Martin delves deeper into the life of godly distinction by defining twelve "blockers" and twelve "builders" of becoming distinctly you. She encourages the reader to ditch the cycle of comparing, competing, and coveting and instead strive to do your best and be authentic — to run the race God created you for.

Being a woman of distinction means seeing yourself as God's masterpiece and following the example Jesus set for us.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. EPHESIANS 2:10 NLT
The distinct woman is discrete, discerning, and diligent while being gracious, friendly and kind to others. She humbly walks in God-confidence as a daughter of the King.
"When I encourage you to control you, don't judge, mind your own business, be likable, and be confident in your value, I'm not talking about having an attitude of arrogance or pride. Instead, it's a God-confidence rooted in the knowledge of who you are: a daughter of the King." Distinctly You, p. 216
I enjoyed reading Distinctly You and found it very encouraging as I am living out God's will for my life. Living against the grain of this world isn't comfortable but pressing on in the confidence that God made me for this gives me great courage!

Learn more about Distinctly You on
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I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.


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