Professional Fit Mom Series: Elizabeth

Merry Christmas to you!

Christmas baking is in progress, handmade presents and art supplies are spread all over the kitchen table, cards are arriving in the mail, and our snow (and cold weather) has finally made it here. Basically, our house looks like Christmas-y chaos but it also means my favorite time of the year is here!

This week, I am introducing you to one awesome mama for the Professional Fit Mom series. She is such an encouragement to me and I know you will be encouraged by her, too!

Meet Elizabeth. 

She is a busy mom of two, personal trainer, TRX intructor and blogger at Fit Life with E. Let's jump into her interview...


Who or what inspired you to be a coach/trainer?

That's a good question! I've always been interested in fitness since I started playing competitive volleyball in high school. In college and I started my first professional work position, I started to get into running and other fitness classes like kickboxing, TRX, Zumba, spinning and yoga. After having my first daughter, I really wanted to be home more so I looked into transitioning into the health and wellness field. Personal training and instructing seemed like a natural fit because I really enjoyed working out, but also seeing people feel better about themselves. I also really love learning more about sustainable food and how to fuel your body so adding in discussions of nutrition seemed like a natural add-on for my clients.

How long have you been a coach/trainer?

18 months

What type of coaching/training do you do?

Personal training and TRX instructor

What certification did it require to coach/train?

Months and months of studying to take the ACSM Certified Personal Trainer exam to become a personal trainer. One day TRX certification to be a TRX instructor.

How many clients do you work with?

It varies. Sometimes I'm only working with a few, but other times I'm interfacing with 30 different people each month. It depends on which programs I'm immersed in during that time.

How do you balance motherhood and coaching/training?

Some days I don't! Ha. Lately, I've tried to remove the word balance from my every day usage (even though it's in my blog tagline). Now, I try to think of my balance in regard to this season in my life. With two little girls (2 years old and 4 months old) that I stay home with, I know that I had to scale back the amount of time that I was training. I could put them both in childcare, but I didn't want to so I scaled back how much I was committed to. In 3 months, I might find that I have more time to train clients online or in-person. For now, I strategically commit to new things or kindly say no. I don't feel bad about saying no anymore because I know that that means that I'm saying yes to my family.

What is your main goal when working with clients?

When working with clients, whether in-person or online, I truly want them to feel and look better. Everyone has different goals, but weight loss is typically a goal of most of my clients. When they think of looking better, they would like to see it happen as fast as possible. If you train the healthy way, you will typically see a slow and steady change if you're committed to sticking to strategic goals that we create together. I love seeing the lightbulb moment when one of my clients truly feels like they not only control their nutrition but their motivation is directly linked to internal happiness which in turn helps them stay on track with their external vision of themselves.

Where do you train clients?

1-on-1 personal trainer and TRX instructor (in-person at a studio), 1-on-1 personal training and 6 week bootcamps (online)

Where would you like to see your practice in the future?

I'm not sure! I love helping people find their sweet spot when it comes to their weight and well-being. At this time, I'm enjoying the younger years with my girls and I'll see where it takes me in a few years.

Balancing Family Life:

How many kids do you have?

2 girls :)

What is your favorite workout?

I have TOO many favorites! I really enjoy playing volleyball, doing TRX or a quick and sweaty HIIT session at-home.

When do you fit in your time to exercise?

Usually in the morning before my kids wake up is my best bet because it can't be pushed out by something else.

What advice do you have for other moms who are considering becoming a coach/trainer? (like me!)

Do what you love but be wary of doing what you love as a job. I love fitness, but sometimes I feel less focused on my own wellness journey because I'm focusing on all of my clients' goals and aspirations. Helping them achieve a better mind and body is such a joy for me, but I do have to remember that I need to take care of myself too. So my best suggestion is to try it out for yourself. Shadow someone, but also ask people in the profession you're choosing what their favorite and least favorite things of their occupation are.

Elizabeth Burns
ACSM Certified Personal Trainer
TRX Group Instructor

*New LIFESTYLE Bootcamp coming January 2016!*


Thank you, Elizabeth, for taking the time to interview and for sharing your passion for your family and fitness with us! 

Linking up with Jill Conyers and the #fitfam.


  1. I totally agree with you – we take care of ourselves so we could take care of others! These are great questions and tips!

  2. How fun to see Elizabeth here. Great choice for the series.

  3. Hi Amy, Elisabeth is extra energetic and inspirational.
    I am pleased you featured her.
    Thanks Elisabeth for stopping by earlier.
    I do appreciate it.
    Blessings to you and enjoy the Holidays


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