Having It All Together| Five-Minute Friday

This week we get to choose our own free-write word for Five-Minute Friday. I know. Mind. Blown.

My word of choice is: "Together"

What's a "free write"? No editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write!

00:00 START the timer!

"They sure have it all together."

Isn't that one of the biggest lies of our lives?

Pictures on social media, the people we see at the grocery store and even those lovely Christmas cards sometimes send me the message that everyone has "it" all together. Except me.

That is one thing I am concerned about when it comes to writing on the blog, posting on social media or even small-talk after church.

Am I portraying the lie that I have it all together? The pictures of our kids on Facebook are all smiles. Little did you know, a meltdown may have occurred 5 minutes before. Sometimes even this 5-minute post takes me... 10 minutes!

And our Christmas card? Of course, I only include the fun things that happened this year. Not the family squabbles or any of our worries.

The truth is, NO ONE has it all together! As long as we are here on earth, we will have troubles. Jesus said so (John 16:33)

It makes me feel less alone when I remember that I'm not the only one who feels like a failure somedays and then can go to the other extreme of being prideful the next.

Ah, what a battle this life is but we aren't fighting it alone.

Thanks be to God who delivers me from the mess I am. He is my hope and my help. With God and the body of believers, we are never struggling alone.
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! ROMANS 7:24-25

05:00 STOP the timer!

***Bible verse added after the timer***


  1. Ah, yes, the unphotographed melt down - guilty! (And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sometimes takes extra time! ;)

    visiting from FMF --- Sarah Jo

    1. Oh yes, I had to get a picture of this "real" moment! Only a few minutes earlier he had the sweetest little smile... then it transformed into this!

  2. Amy, your post resonated with me. I love where you took your prompt. When I was younger, insecurity dictated that I appear to have it all together. Then, maybe people wouldn't reject me. Now, as a woman who's done a lot of failing, I see the beauty in authenticity, in being honest about my mistakes and failings, and knowing that God's working in and through them, and me. It's only when we can honest before Him that He can do the healing and beautifying we want and need.

    Have a wonderful CHRISTmas. Visiting from FMF. :)

    1. You know, I just read something like that in the book "Unqualified" by Steven Furtick! "God can't bless who you pretend to be". He wants us to be real! I hope as I mature over the years, I can be more okay with sharing my weaknesses and being vulnerable with others. Growth, growth, growth. This life is a process :)

  3. Well, I sure have it all together. That's what duct tape's for.

    #4 at FMF this week.


    1. HA! That must be why I love duct tape so much, Andrew - it helps me pretend that I do have it all together :)

  4. Thank you for sharing, and for being honest about what's behind the scenes. :) This year, I'm focused on being ever the more real, while celebrating that the "beautiful" moments are gifts, and worthy of making me dance! Merry Christmas, and may our gracious Papa wrap us up and hold us "together" in Him. Hugs...

    1. That is a great focus for a new year, Angela!

  5. We most definitely don't have it all together! The picture of my desk I posted proves that! TGIF! Enjoy this beautiful season!

  6. I wonder what would happen if we sent Christmas cards with the pouty faces, and recounted the horrors of the year instead of the awards, accomplishments and beauty? Am I being morbid? Now that I'm typing I think it would be a beautiful opportunity to share the grace of Christ and the hope of the season amid the ugly, afterall that's what it's all about...hmmm gonna give that more thought. At the 65 spot today at FMF

    1. Maybe I should do two Christmas cards next year - one of all the happy, normal "Christmas card pictures" and then a real one, with those pouty faces :) Love the idea, Christy!


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