2015 Running Year Review

At the end of another year it's beneficial to look back and fun to reminisce of your favorite memories. To see what went well, what didn't, and what to look forward to. 

Runner and blogger, RunEatSnap, had a great idea to share a review of her 2015 running and I am going to follow in suit.

SO much has happened in our 2015, with the biggest event of all being the arrival of our second baby boy in May! I didn't run a ton of races - only 2 half marathons and 1 5k - or pack on a bunch of mileage this year but I do have some great running memories and "new mom of 2" experiences to share with you.

Best Race Experience

The Wild Hog Half Marathon in September was definitely my best race experience. That race was my main training focus for the last half of the year (after Baby W was born) and the run itself went really well. A PR wasn't realistic and I set my mind on running sub-1:40. I sprinted the homestretch of the race and made my goal time with only 2 seconds to spare!

But, what makes that the BEST race experience of the year was that my family was there to watch - including my husband! This was his first time watching me race and it meant a lot to me.

Best Run

My best run of the year was on the Wild Hog race day, for sure! I felt totally exhausted on the starting line after a night with two cranky kids and I wasn't sure if I could even cover 13.1 miles. Somehow my legs kept plugging away and I was able to maintain a sub-8:00/mile pace. At 4 months postpartum, that was a "best" for me.

Best New Piece of Running Gear

Part of my "early Christmas present" was my favorite running gear for the year. I found these Scott T2 Palani's on Amazon for $52.00. Can't beat that!

Most Inspirational Runner

I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to interview some very inspirational runners in the Runner Spotlight and Professional Fit Mom Series! People who keep their priorities in line and don't make excuses inspire me.

Favorite Picture from a 2015 Run or Race

My favorite race picture was taken with my boys after running a last-minute local half marathon. E ran his own little race on the sidewalk afterwards.

Race Experience I Would Love to Repeat

I don't have a ton of races to choose from this year, so again I will go for the Wild Hog. The experience of having my husband, our kids and my mom all cheering me on was awesome.

If I were to do it all again, I would hang around the post-race environment for a while longer. Cheering on the other runners and watching them is something I really enjoy. As long as the kids are content, I want to stick around and cheer more at my next race.

This Year in Three Words

DOUBLE - STROLLER - STRENGTH. The running stroller is a mom's best friend. Getting both of the kids happily loaded into the stroller - books, goldfish, pacifier, blankies, sippy cup and all - takes a lot of strength! Running with a double isn't as physically hard as I thought it would be :) Getting the boys in there... that's another story. It's all in the timing.

Best 2015 Running Advice Received

"Take it one day at a time". That advice was given in regard to adjusting to life as a mom of two and it also applies to running. God has equipped me with exactly what I need for where I'm at right now. Planning ahead is wise but living too far in the future brings on a ton of stress.

My kids are almost 3 years old and 7 months old. I don't need to be stressing about their highschool graduation right now. Just as in the first few weeks of marathon training, I don't need to freak out about running a 20-miler! Plan for the future, fully enjoy where I'm at now, and trust that the Lord will strengthen me for whatever lies ahead. 

Looking Forward To Most in 2016

The last time I ran the Fargo (full) Marathon was in 2011. It was my second official marathon and ended up being my first Boston Qualifying time! Five years, a wedding day, and two kids later, I am really excited to return to the Fargo full marathon in 2016.

What is one of your highlights of 2016? (Running-related or not)

Linking up with Jill Conyers' Fitness and Mommy Moments.


  1. Running 3 races while on vacation in 3 different states was one of my favorite things about 2015. Thanks for contacting me about your series - maybe after the new year. Congrats on the BQ and I hope your training goes well for the Fargo Marathon!

    1. 3 races in 3 different states is a BIG accomplishment for 2015! Awesome, Tina. And I would love if you would join in on my Runner Spotlight series :)

  2. Amy, you had an amazing and totally inspiring running year! I'm looking forward to following running in 2016.

    Happy new year and thank you so much for sharing with Fitness Health & Happiness!


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