Training Week 7: Whatever I Do

Heyo! Here begins a new week and another meet up with the Fit Dish link-up and the Faith & Fitness crew! This week, the [optional] Fit Dish topic is to share a "day in the life" photo collection.

Not too long ago, I shared a day in my life as a new mom of two. A month has passed since then and our days are developing a little more routine, yet there are always surprises with a toddler and 3-month-old.

Despite the daily spontaneity, there are constants to my day. A day in my life usually includes:
  • Bible reading and prayer
  • Morning coffee with half n' half
  • Exercise (rest days are the exception)
  • Baby W diaper changes
  • Nurse Baby W throughout day
  • Dishwashing - We finally got a dishwasher after 3 years of marriage!!!
  • Laundry stuff
  • Reading books to toddler and sing songs together
  • Outdoor adventures

Over the past week, some of our adventures have included going for a family run, eating my husband's famous sourdough waffles, baking a bunch of muffins, painting E's playhouse, camping with family and dancing it up at a wedding.

Working at home can feel monotonous with never-ending dishes, diapers and laundry to do, but no matter I'm doing, keeping an eternal perspective motivates me to give it my all.

Whatever I do...

Whether it's an early morning run,
Studying the Bible,
Reading to my kids,
Cooking meals for my family,
Or folding the endless heap of laundry,

I want to work at it with all of my heart. God cares about the work I do - yes, even the mundane daily chores - and it is the Lord Jesus Christ that I am serving. Some times I may feel unappreciated but Jesus sees my heart and my efforts.


Wild Hog 1/2 Training Week 7

8/17 M - Easy: 3.04 miles with the double jogger, 29:00 @ 9:32/mile. Family run with Leo and I taking turns pushing the stroller!

8/18 T - Speed Intervals: 5 treadmill miles, 42:00. 4x800m @ 7:30, 7:30, 7:00, 7:00/mile pace with 800m recovery at 9:15/mile pace
8/19 W - Strength: Pump & Burn DVD.

8/20 H - Tempo Run: 5.5 miles, 45:09 @ 8:12. This run felt hard. Hope I'm not getting sick.

8/21 F - Long Run: 6.2 miles, 52:00 @ 8:19/mile avg. Shorter long run for this week.

8/22 Sa - 3.11 miles with the double stroller, 35:00 @ 11:15/mile. Great visit with my sis-in-law while running! I'm not a fan of pushing the stroller on gravel but it was a great talking pace.

8/23 Su - Off. Wedding dance recovery!

Total Mileage: 22.85 miles
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. COLOSSIANS 3:23-24
What are the "constants" in your daily life?

Linking up with the Fit Switch, Jill Conyers and Faith & Fitness Friday. #dishthefit  #FridayFaithFitness


  1. This post is so sweet :)

    You are so speedy! I wish I was hitting those times in my runs. Great job getting it all done!

  2. Great post, Amy! We have similar routines, and I love the quote you shared. You are amazing. And, what a great week of running. Great job fitting in some crosstraining too. And a double stroller on gravel? That's fierce. But, I can understand why you did it. : ) Have a great week!

  3. I love it! Whatever you do, do with all your heart! AMEN! If more people would take that attitude what a wonderful place it would be. Enjoy these days - they pass fast!

  4. Great training week. Way to get it done! I love seeing a glimpse of your daily life. #fitfamlove xoxo

  5. This is a great post! Thanks for linking up with us this week. I think it's so motivating and inspiring to read through other people's interpretation and application of these verses. A day in my life includes: coffee, some form of exercise, a walk with my dogs, dinner and TV with my husband, and, most importantly, I'm trying to incorporate reading my Bible on a more consistent basis.


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