Here | Five-Minute Friday

First of all, happy Friday and happy birthday to my husband who is the "big" 2-7!

Today I'm joining up with the Five-Minute Friday link-up for the first time and I'm so excited to be a part of this. For anyone new to this link-up (like me), here is how it works in a nutshell:

To participate, you write for five minutes on the topic of the week and share it with the Five-Minute Friday crew on... Friday!

Here comes my favorite part:

"This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write."

Thank you, Kate, for hosting this link-up and allowing me to join in!

"Here" is the glider rocker in our bedroom. It's 4:30 a.m. and I'm up nursing baby boy.

Baby is content, toddler is fast asleep and so is Daddy. The world is so still right now and here I sit awake, enjoying the peace.

Sleep is precious but so are these moments. I treasure these cuddles. Soon enough this baby boy will proclaim himself a "big boy" like his brother and not want Mommy cuddles, unless he has a boo-boo or a bad dream.

It's my husband's birthday today. Four years ago we started dating - great birthday present, right? Marriage, a house and two kids later, God has brought us here.

Some days I struggle with contentment but others I am in complete awe of where God has placed me.
But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 TIMOTHY 6:6
Baby is asleep and I'm set to wake up in an hour. Five years ago this life of marriage and two little people in the house would have terrified me.

Thank God that He knows me better than I know myself. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in this entire world than right here.

In this moment I feel so blessed, so thankful. Still somewhat flabbergasted that toddler threw baby's pacifier in the toilet yesterday.

It's beautiful here. Sleep-deprived, messy and beautiful.


  1. How wonderful that you are content in your HERE - pacifier in toilet and all!! You are correct that this time will pass quickly.

    I'm your neighbor at 5 Minute Friday

    1. Nice to meet you, Mary! I could totally do without the pacifier in the toilet, but it was a laughable situation at the time :) If my toddler pulls that one again I won't be so impressed!

  2. 5 minutes?! What a great post, so poetic! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

    1. Yes, just 5 minutes of writing! Writing for 5 minutes and NOT editing was so freeing!


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