My Favorite NO-EXCUSES Workout

Confession: I am have been a strength training slacker.

While most days I love to go out for a run, my number #1 excuse for slacking on strength training has been that "it takes too much time".

Over the past year, I have started to strength train consistently a couple times a week and my view of strength training has changed immensely. A strength training workout doesn't require an hour or even 45 minutes at the gym. Even a short strength session is better than none at all and it can be done at home!

Have 20 minutes you can spare? Fit it in then! I have worked in strength training while cooking supper and I didn't even burn the food ;) (Just make sure to set a timer!)

In all honesty, I just like to run a lot more than I like to strength train. Remember, we make time for what is important to us! And strength training just wasn't that important to me. Until now.

Though I'm far from "hardcore" in the strength training world, a quick workout a couple times a week has been very beneficial for my running and this pregnancy, too! To tell you the truth... I actually enjoy strength training now.

Plus, I can even include our toddler in a quick strength workout. He likes to lift up the 2.5 lb. weight plates and say "Heavvvvy!" :) Starting the strength training young!

Join up with the Fit Dish linkup as we share our favorite quick workouts. #dishthefit

A friend recommended one of Gina Aliotti's workout videos to me and now they are something I do weekly! Here is one of my favorites:

G-Fit Workout of the Day by Gina Aliotti:

  • 15 Bent-Over Bicep Curls
  • 10 Alternating Reverse-Grip Side Lateral Raises
  • 15 Bent-Over Rows
  • 10 Alternating Diagonal Front Raises
Rest and Repeat circuit x 2.

Watch Gina's demo video at 34 weeks pregnant!

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Check out more of Gina's strength training videos on her Facebook page!

What is your favorite quick workout?
How do you get creative to fit exercise?

Linking up with the Fit Dish and Fitness Friday.


  1. My no excuse workout...a squat song challenge!

  2. Great post! It really doesn't take too much time to see the results when it comes to strength training, does it? I try to fit it in all the time while doing other stuff! :)

  3. You proved you can squeeze it in if you use your time right and some imagination. I have a girlfriend who can blow dry her hair and do squats at the same time- yup- I tried, just about knocked myself out! LOL! Great workout example!

  4. Amy, your no excuses way of living is inspiring. You are strong in so many different ways. Thanks for sharing Gina's vid! I have never heard of her, but she has GREAT STUFF. You inspire me to sneak in some weights more often! #fitfamlove. : )

  5. No excuses. Those 2 words can be life changing! So happy to have your inspiration in the #fitfam :)

  6. When I don't have time, I do some cardio. Since I rarely do it for more than 20 minutes, that is my thing.

  7. I think my favorite quick workout is running. I love how portable it is, just pick up and go. Strength training I struggle with doing quickly because I need the added reps due to not having enough weights to move up.


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