Running in the Third Trimester | 30 Week Update

Patience. Joy in the right now. Presence. That's my focus for the next two months.

Week 30 is here and I'm feeling a tad bit impatient, like pregnancy has gone into slow motion in the third trimester. I am so excited to meet and cuddle our baby! I miss cuddles now that E is getting so independent. Plus, I'm dying to find out if we have a baby boy or girl!

Whew, breathe. Until week 37+ comes, I need to just calm down, enjoy the miracle of growing a baby, get some sleep while I can, and have patience in knowing this is God's will for my life right now! Take life one day at a time.

Yes, I'm still running. Though it may look more like wogging (waddling + jogging).

My weekly runs are 3 to 4 miles and I'm sticking to the 10:00-minute-mile zone or slower now. My energy level is feeling pretty low lately so I'm listening to my body and am just thankful to be able to run!

I've been opting for the treadmill this week because the weather has been windy and snowy. Pushing the stroller isn't bad on a non-windy day, but it's too much for me with any extra weather resistance! Thank God for treadmills!

Regular stretching and strength training are part of my weekly routine. Strength training is making my arms stronger - you know, to push that double jogger later this year! - and also keeps my core strong, therefore preventing back pain. Stretching has kept my hips from tightening up, too.

This is the best pregnancy stretch ever (notice that my superhero friend likes to join in):

Post-run fueling and hydrating are a must! My appetite seems to decrease as my belly gets bigger (probably due to stomach squishing?) so I do my best to eat smaller meals or snacks throughout the day and choose foods with some nutritional value. Instead of downing a bag of potato chips, try a homemade blueberry banana muffin instead!

I'm drinking plenty of water while working out and throughout the day. Drinking water is a big deal, especially for active pregnant women who... sweat (or "glisten").

And here's my pregnant running secret weapon: the Gabrialla Elastic Maternity Support Belt! This belt done wonders through both of my pregnancies and I wouldn't run without it. Wearing a maternity belt while running helps to support that growing belly and my back as well.

Tips for Running in the Third Trimester

In Kara Goucher's book, Running for Women, Goucher's ob-gyn, Robin Barret, MD, offers the following tips for running in the third trimester:
  • Keep running. Running can help decrease the risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia (high blood pressure), macrosomia (large babies), long labor and delivery, and it can help speed recovery after your baby is born.
  • Most women can continue to exercise in the third trimester. Many are still able to run, but weekly mileage and pace are very individualized at this point.
  • These common symptoms can interfere with running:
    • Fatigue, contractions, bladder issues, pelvic pressure/discomfort: See the tips in my second trimester post.
    • Joint pain/ligament instability: Wear an abdominal supporter or possibly limit exercise to low impact. 
    • Low amniotic fluid: Your may need to rest more and increase your fluid intake.
    • Low weight gain: You can have the growth of the baby checked by ultrasound. You may need to rest more and drink more fluid. 

Baby #2: 30 Weeks

Baby's Size: Cucumber, average fetus size: 15.2 to 16.7 in, 2.5 to 3.8 lbs.

Cravings: Leo's homemade sourdough waffles with honey and sliced bananas for every meal, please. Oh, and I'll take some chili with cheese and Greek yogurt, too.

Aversions: Heartburn, venison, obnoxiously loud noise. The usual.

I'm Feeling: Mood swings hit me like a bus this week... I'm blaming it on the snow returning. Baby is busy rolling around, kicking/punching and hiccuping. I'm feeling more tired now but, running-wise, my body is feeling great. I have the occasional Braxton Hicks contraction as my body is gearing up for labor! Baby has been so kind to sit up higher in my belly to relieve some of the bladder pressure.

Sleep: Energy levels are plummeting lately and I could go to bed at like 8 pm every night. Life doesn't work like that, but it's what I feel like doing!

Weight: Up 20 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.

My Prayer for Baby: "Lord, thank You for another baby appointment and for the blessing of hearing our baby's heartbeat again! I am so thankful for baby's health and my health in this pregnancy and for all of the support from Leo and our sweet midwife. I pray that You continue to guide baby's development and give us all peace as baby's due date approaches. Give me patience and a heart of gratitude to enjoy these moments of pregnancy! This very moment is Your will for my life and I want be joyful and fully present in it! Amen. "
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Last Week's Workouts:
Monday: 3.02 treadmill miles, 9:56/mile.
Tuesday: Strength training
Wednesday: 3 treadmill miles, 10:10/mile. Feeling tired today!
Thursday: Strength Training
Friday: 3 treadmill miles, 10:11/mile. Tired again.
Saturday: 4 treadmill miles, 10:11/mile.
Total Mileage: 13.02 miles
Is it actually Spring in your part of the world?
What tips would you add for third trimester running?

Linking up with Fitness Friday and Mommy Moments.
View more tips for running in the first trimester and the second trimester.


  1. Eiiii I can't wait to meet the little one and find out the gender and name!!! You're gorgeous woman keep it up - I know those 7 weeks are going to flyyyy :)

    Ps I have got to try those waffles! :F

    1. Me toooooo! I'm so excited :) Thanks, sister! Miss you and hope to see you soon. Leo will make you some waffles next time you visit!

  2. Way to go for keeping up that fitness routine. In my third trimester I seriously just stopped. Lol! It wasn't good. Hopefully you can get to bed early every once in awhile too. :)

    1. Thanks, Kate! I've been trying to "store up" some hours of sleep before baby gets here. Not sure if that theory actually works, but I'm trying it :) Some nights we put the toddler to bed and I'm asleep soon after!

  3. Very awesome tips! I have not had any children yet, but I do want to be able to run through my pregnancy, if possible! Glad that you're still doing well!

    1. Thanks, Janelle! Running and strength training while pregnant really does help make the physical changes more comfortable and "mood swings" more manageable :) I'm going to keep on keepin' on as long as my midwife OK's it!


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