5 People I Would Recruit for a 20-Miler

Sunshine brings an instant smile to my face.

Maybe, just maybe the bitter cold of winter is leaving us! This week has been beyond gorgeous and it looks like there is more to come:

To celebrate the sunshine and above zero temps, my "running group" and I headed out a few miles. (a.k.a. our dog and little man in the stroller)

3.4 miles down and, who knows, maybe I got a little sunburn :) The dog trails behind us after the first mile as he's a bit out-of-shape after this winter. E passed out at about .5 mile. Even at 2 years old, he is still my stroller-napper!

On to #dishthefit! Today's [optional] topic for the Fit Dish is:

The 20-miler is the most daunting workout for me personally when training for a full marathon.

Why? Well... usually I end up doing them solo and that means I spend 3 early morning hours stuck with my own thoughts. That can be scary! Some 20-milers have been awesome times of prayer and time alone with God. Other 20-milers have been mental struggles to just keep my feet moving or sometimes physical struggles battling GI issues. Wonderful.

Just for today, let's pretend that I could recruit 5 people to run a 20-miler with me the next time I'm training for a full.

5 People I Would Recruit for a 20-Miler:

  1. My Husband. Assume we found a babysitter and that's like a 3-hour date! Wowza. I would love to run 20 miles with Leo as long as he promised to talk with me. He's a non-talkative runner and I am an overly-talkative runner... so sometimes that just doesn't work. While we were dating, he put up with so many long run miles. He's awesome!
  2. Janae, a.k.a. Hungry Runner Girl. She writes on one of my favorite blogs that happens to be the first running blog I ever read! Plus, Janae is a very speedy marathon runner and a toddler-mom on top of that. On a 20-miler, we could discuss important matters like potty-training, marathon training, writing and doughnuts. That is, if I could even keep up with her.
  3. The #fitfam. How fun would it be for all of the #fitfam bloggers to run (or bike, rollerblade, etc.) together? I'm just guessing that the talk would be non-stop, we would stay super motivated and there would be a lot of fit to be dished! 
  4. Carrie Tollefson. Carrie is an Olympian and mom of 2 from Minnesota. Some of my favorite strength training and running workouts are on her website, C Tolle Run. If she would slow down enough for me, I know she could give me a million tips on marathon training like an elite and parenting. 
  5. Kristen Feola. She's the author of the book, Spiritually Strong, and is leading the online Bible study that just started this week! On the run, I would want to hear all about her faith in the Lord, her book-writing journey, becoming a personal trainer and how God has guided has guided her passion for fitness and ministry together.
If you could pick anyone in the world, who would you like to workout with or be trained by?

Linking up at the Fit Dish.


  1. I would LOVE to do a workout with #thefitfam!!! What a great idea. That would make my year. I'll have to check out your bottom two girls.

    I hear you on the husband one. My husband & I met playing volleyball & used to run together. I miss that time with him, but know that when our girls are a little older that we'll be able to get back to that again. For now, we need to commit to after bedtime sweat sessions in the future garage :).

    1. I look forward to being able to exercise together as a family! Right now we're in a similar situation to your family - workouts happen early morning, late night or we trade off on babysitting duties :)

  2. Sounds like fun but it would have to be a relay! LOL! :) I have never run 20 miles before but I might be good for the 1st 10!

    1. A relay would be a blast, too! Great idea, Mary Beth!

  3. I love your 'runner group!' That's awesome. And, I hear ya with all the thoughts on a long run, sometimes they are just the right thing to charge you up for the whole week, and reconnect you to your priorities, but other times, it's a slog. So, great work. And, I love your list! What a great time it would be with all of those! Thanks so much for your words AMY. Hoping we can run together someday!

    1. I hope we can run together, too! That would be so fun. Maybe a #fitfam get-together will happen some day :)

  4. The Hungry Runner Girl was one of the first blogs I read too! She's pretty awesome! Love the idea of running with the #fitfam as well! There definitely would be a lot of fit to be dished! :)

    1. She is awesome! I love her writing style and all the pictures - just her blogging style in general!

  5. I love your take on this week's theme. A 20 miler? Who would I choose other than the fitfam? Hmmm...I'll have to think about that.

    1. It's a tough one - you can't take just anyone on a 20-miler! Running for 3 hours with the wrong person could drive me crazy :)

  6. great post, I will have to run my first 20 miler this fall, i may have to tap into some fit fam love! My hubs and I could never run that far tighter. he also hates talking while running and i need to talk, bad combo for 3 long hours!!

    1. In the past, I have had my husband join me for the first 6 miles of my long runs - that worked really well! It was nice to have some company but we weren't running together long enough to drive each other nuts! Hope your 20-miler goes awesome!


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