Living Out Move-Nourish-Believe #dishthefit

Today is a very special day because it's E's second birthday!!!

We are starting off the morning with Mickey Mouse-shaped banana choco-chip pancakes. As a person that could write a book about my "Pinterest fails", I'll let you know how those turn out :)

It's also time for another the Fit Dish link-up! The [optional] topic is this week is:

The term "Move, Nourish, Believe" is the Lorna Jane philosophy. Check out her site for more details and inspiration.

My Inspiration to "MOVE NOURISH BELIEVE"

As a parent, each day we have countless opportunities to teach our kids. What I didn't realize was how much our child would be teaching me!

Here are three ways E has inspired me over the past two years:

Just ran a half marathon? No excuses, mom!  Climb, climb, climb!
MOVE. If E isn't sleeping, he's running... climbing... crawling... jumping... you name it. No matter how old we are, we should never lose our sense of adventure! I need to stay in shape just to keep up with this kid.
Some of our meal and snack-time food adventures
NOURISH. This new world of picky-eating toddler-hood has taught me to get more creative with my cooking and to make healthy food fun. E has taught me to think out of the box for new meals and fun ways to serve them. Anything to sneak in one little bite of veggies... anything!!!
BELIEVE. The most valuable lesson I have learned from E is how to have child-like faith. E depends on mom and dad to do what is best for him, to take care of his daily needs and to protect him. God calls us all to have faith like a child. I need to depend on God for everything just as E depends on Leo and I for survival.
Happy birthday to our baby boy! We are so thankful to have this crazy character in our lives!

How will you MOVE NOURISH BELIEVE this week?
Do you have any special birthday traditions?

Linking up with Jill and Jessica at the Fit Dish. #dishthefit


  1. love the pics ! and you are right , if we never loose our sense of adventure and our child like faith the sky is the limit!

  2. Love how you incorporated MNB with your son. So awesome. Congrats on the 2nd bday. WOOT. I am working on being more present with my children, so that I can take advantage of all those learning opportunities! Thanks for the reminder. There are so many EVERY DAY, gotta stay on my toes. Cheers to a great week. : )

    1. Being present is one of my goals with our family, too! Hope you have had a great week, Jessica!

  3. Happy birthday E! Amy I love that you included your son. Our kids are watching us and everything that we do. Parenting is kind of amazing that way. Just when you think they're not noticing they say or do something to make you realize they were watching all along. #proudmom

    1. Ha, yes! That is so true. I'm learning a lot about my own habits just from spending with E every day. Some habits are good for him to pick up and then others... not so much... like nail biting :s Not good!

  4. Happy Birthday E! What a sweet baby boy! LJ is always on the move too, we love being outside and running around. Can't wait for warmer weather!

    1. Same here!!! Spring is only a couple more months away, I hope :)

  5. I love all of your pictures, Amy. It choked me up a little to see your son's newborn picture when I was thinking about both of us having another little one soon & how fast they grow up.

    I definitely need to work on child-like faith. It's amazing how children understand how to do things the right way compared to us adults who are often distracted & unappreciative. They're very humbling & I'm so glad I get to experience it with my daughter. Happy birthday E!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! Looking at his newborn pictures get me a little choked up, too. Not long before both you and I are holding our newborn babies! And chasing toddlers on top of that... :)


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