Professional Fit Mom Series: Jess

For the third interview in the Professional Fit Mom series, I am excited to introduce you to Jess Allen. Jess is a mom, a NSCA-CSCS trainer, former Stanford athlete and she also writes awesome fitness content on her blog, Blonde Ponytail.

Jess (and her sweet little girl) from Blonde Ponytail

Coaching &Training

Who or what inspired you to be a coach/trainer?
I was an athlete my entire life, so it was a very natural transition. After playing softball at Stanford University, I coached college softball while obtaining my master's degree. Then, after several years of academic advising in higher ed, I knew I needed to get back to the fitness arena. With the birth of my daughter 19 months ago, it was the perfect professional and personal balance.

How long have you been a coach/trainer?
+10 years

What type of coaching/training do you do?
Personal training with an emphasis on CrossFit and HIIT workouts.

What certification did it require to coach/train?
I chose to get my NSCA-CSCS which is required if you want to train student-athletes. It is an intense certification, so it serves me well with the general population too. I also am a certified Healthy Moms instructor.

How do you balance motherhood and coaching/training?
I work part-time, 10-15 hours per week, and only train in the mornings, so the evenings are for family. I could add more hours, but it's not worth it to my family at this point.

What is your main goal when working with clients?
Typically, my clients want a leaner physique, so it's helping them understand that muscles are a positive and the scale is only one form of measurement. I love seeing my clients do something they never thought possible.

Where do you train clients?
At home and at the local YMCA (child care!!)

Where would you like to see your practice in the future?
I REALLY want to develop an online training program after receiving numerous requests.

Goblet Squats with the Kiddo

Personal Life

How many kids do you have?

How did your passion for fitness begin?
Probably around age 6 in PE class, when I realized I could run fairly well. Then, it grew with sports like youth gymnastics, softball, basketball and track & field.

What is your favorite workout?
A CrossFit WOD referred to as a "met-con" (metabolic conditioning). I'm usually gassed after it, but I love the challenge of pushing myself.

When do you fit in your time to exercise?
In the mornings, 5-6 days per week. I'm a better person and mom when I make time to workout.

What advice do you have for other moms who are considering becoming a coach/trainer?:
Focus on your niche. Who do you really want to help? Do you see yourself training children? Senior citizens? Pregnant women? Obese individuals? Find out who you really want to help and it never is a job. Then, make sure you get certified. If you plan to work for a gym, find out what they like their trainers to have.

Kid-Friendly Push-Ups!

Thank you for sharing your personal training and motherhood experiences with us, Jess! I love how you involve your daughter in your workouts!

Linking up at Fitness Friday.


  1. hehehe, I do goblet squats with my foster kitty! (She's tiny and doesn't weigh much, so it's really more of a how-much-can-you-deal-with-me issue with her. <3)

    Jess sounds like such an amazing lady! :]! I was about 3 classes away from getting a degree in Athletic Training too; I think that would've been really fun! (My compromise is to see if I can do Sports Medicine. :D ) Great tips, and good luck to her on the online training program! :]

    1. Haha yes, you can definitely get creative with goblet squats! I have used my son before and he thinks it's fun... for a minute or two.

      Jess is awesome! She is truly an inspiring athlete, trainer and mom!

  2. Love the series and such a great interview! It's always fun to see what other bloggers and trainers are doing!

    1. I agree! So glad you like the series, Melissa!

  3. Great Post!! I have followed Jess for a long time, her workouts are terrific!!


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