My First-Ever Manifesto #dishthefit

Today I'm pushing myself out of the comfort zone. I have been meaning to write a blog mission statement for some time now but kept putting it off... until now. #dishthefit

This week's Fit Dish [optional] Topic: Write a Manifesto

A mani-what?! Thankfully, Jill included the definition on her blog and it sounded very similar to a mission statement:
"A manifesto is a declaration of your core values and beliefs, what you stand for, and how you intend to live your life. It becomes a source of inspiration to live your life with purpose, fulfillment and a sense of self."

My First-Ever Manifesto

The brainstorming process left me with a lot of scribbling and random tangents in my journal. Writing a manifesto felt like such a daunting and intimidating task. Then I realized that my manifesto is already quite clear, as it was written by the ultimate Author!
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” MARK 12:30-31 (emphasis added by me)
God's clear direction tells me to love Him with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love other people. In my journal, I have been jotting down any words that come to mind when I think of living a life dedicated to God and experiencing freedom in Christ.

Freedom in Christ - life to the full - is something new to me. John 10:10 inspired the name of my blog and, ironically, I have only been truly living to the full for 5 years now. I'm 27 years old and I spent 22 years of my life living without a personal relationship with Jesus.

My life before Jesus seemed to be going well or at least it looked pleasant from the outside. I was playing college tennis, kept an honors grade point average, loved my teammates and thought I was in a good relationship at the time. All seemed well, but I wasn't living the way God wanted me to and I felt empty. Life was missing something and I tried to fill the void with worldly things, but nothing worked.

A series of trials in my life finally brought me to my knees and I surrendered my life to Jesus. Surrender is a word often connected to defeat but surrendering to Jesus means freedom.

Freedom from all the world's lies and failed attempts at filling the void with accomplishments, relationships or even material things. Freedom from the guilt, the shame and condemnation. Surrender to Jesus means forgiveness and healing.

As for my manifesto, my core value and belief is that God is the Creator of all. His Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins and I intend to live my life rooted in Him and God's Word, as it is 100% the truth.

When we surrender our lives to Him, we are a new person - ready to live in the freedom of Christ. Living out a new life in Christ means we can dream big and love fully because all things are possible with Jesus. (Matthew 19:6)

The random scribbles from my journal have taken form into this visual manifesto:

I live my life to the full by:

  • Loving God, accepting my new life in Christ, and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • Spending time with the Lord and His Word.
  • Loving and serving my family.
  • Embracing my role as a wife and mom.
  • Blessing other people.
  • Running my heart out.
  • Motivating and encouraging others.
  • Practicing my cooking skills.
  • Writing on this blog.
  • Dreaming big.
  • Taking care of my body.
  • Playing the piano.

All for the glory of God and His Son, Jesus - my inspiration, my purpose, and my life.
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 CORINTHIANS 10:31
Have you written a manifesto or mission statement before?

If you have any questions about how Jesus or how He has changed my life, please feel free to ask!

Linking up with Jill and Jess at the Fit Dish.


  1. Ain't it wonderful when linkup themes coincide with things you'd been meaning to do anyway? :P!

    I'm glad you that you've been living life to the fullest through God and all the things that you do!

    1. Yes! This topic was the perfect motivation to get me going! Thanks for the encouragement, Farrah :)

  2. It sounds like your mission statement/manifesto really covers who you are to the core. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Pragati! This was a great "assignment" to get me thinking about who I really am and what drives me!

  3. Beautiful! I love the visual and how you included all aspects of your life. I think it really lets your light shine thru!

  4. I love how you live your life to the full, Amy! You truly live true, every day, to our beliefs, and it's wonderful to see how happy you are! Keep it up, and thanks for sharing!

  5. Love your mission statement/manifesto! It certainly defines who you are and what your blog is all about. I just re-wrote my blog and business mission statement. It felt good to write it out and put it on paper, since it has been something I've wanted to do for a while now, but never got around to it.

    1. Thank you, Melissa! I stopped by your blog recently and the re-design is awesome! Just read your mission statement on the "About" page and it's so solid. Great work on your re-design!

  6. By living life to the full you have found the true authentic you and all that makes you special. I enjoyed the brainstorming process of this.

    1. I did, too! The brainstorming was a blast! Great job to you and Jessica on picking out a great topic again :)


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