My Valentine's Five + Week 24 Update

♥ Happy Valentine's Weekend to you all ♥ This week has been extra special because my Valentine is back home. So nice to have the family together again!

Today I'm sharing my Friday 5 (+ a pregnancy update) with Fitness Friday and Mommy Moments link-ups. Be sure to stop by!

5 Things Friday ♥ Valentine's Edition

Here are five things I have loved this Valentine's week:

1. Be Spiritually Strong.

My book just came in the mail today! After listening to an interview with the author, Kristen Feola, I knew Spiritually Strong was a book I had to check this out. This study covers the importance of having a spiritually strong core as well as a physically strong core. Both are essential to being healthy, but our spiritual training is even more important to strengthen (1 Timothy 4:8)!

I'm excited to read through Spiritually Strong to learn about training myself in godliness by focusing on the disciplines of Bible study, prayer, fasting, healthy living, financial stewardship, and serving others.

Check out this book here

2. My Old-School Training Log.

Is it weird that I keep a training log even while pregnant? Meet my "old-school" training log. I draw the grids by hand (hence the crooked lines) and make collages... by hand! It's fun to have projects that are non-computerized now and then. Making a collage was a fun mess project for little man and I to do together!

3. "More Run!"

After supper, I am about ready to crash and we usually unwind as a family by visiting in the living room or reading books. E's new favorite thing is to run all over the house yelling, "More run!!!". He insists that Leo and I join him. Looks like he's a runner in training!

4. Our Healthy Valentine's Treat.

These energy bites were the easiest to make ever and make treat time a little healthier for my family.

Just mix together 1 cup oats, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 2 Tablespoons maple syrup and whatever other add-ins you would like. For our batch, I added raisins, chocolate chips and a little cocoa powder. Roll into balls and store extras in the fridge. (Tip: Wet hands with water while rolling balls.)

5. Valentine's Nails.

I rarely paint my nails and was surprised that these Jamberry things are actually fun! Turns out they are a blast and easy to do - even with a toddler "helping" me. This pattern is called "lovespell". Might as well have cute nails while running!

Pregnancy Week 24: Baby #2

Hello to Month 6 of this pregnancy! Only 16 weeks to go. That's like the length of a marathon training program and those sure do fly by fast. "Race day" will be here in no time!

Baby's Size: Cantaloupe, average fetus size: 10.5 to 11.8 in, 12.7 to 20.8 oz.

Cravings: My morning coffee with half n' half, popcorn and breakfast food.

Aversions: Anything that equals heartburn.

I'm Feeling: E and I are fighting off a mild but annoying cold right now. Other than that, all is well. Leo has been sure to remind me lately how much my belly has grown. I can tell it's gotten bigger because I have had to alter my bending down technique to pick toys off the ground. It's more of a squat position now!

Sleep: I sleep like a rock but am doing my best to continue waking up early for devotions and a run before the family wakes. Some days it happens, some days it doesn't! I do need to rest a little more to shake off this cold.

Weight: +15 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight. Yeah... growth spurt maybe?

My Prayer for Baby: "Lord, I thank You for each day of this pregnancy and for the children you have blessed us with to raise and shape into godly adults! I pray that Your constant guidance, help, kindness and support remain with my family and that we trust You to work good in all circumstances. Continue to bless our Baby's development and I again give You any fears I have of preterm birth. Help us all to prepare for this Baby's arrival and I ask for special guidance for E to adjust to his new role as 'big brother'."
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. PSALM 23:6
Last Week's Workouts:
Monday: 4 treadmill miles, 10:01/mile. Some SI joint discomfort on left side.
Tuesday: 3.05 treadmill miles, 9:50/mile. SI weird feeling is gone - answer to prayer!
Wednesday: Strength training - upper body focus.
Thursday: 3.01 treadmill miles, 9:58/mile. Feeling great!
Friday: 3.03 treadmill miles, 9:54/mile.
Saturday: Rest day.
Total Mileage: 13.09 miles
Any special plans for Valentine's Day?
What is something you have loved about this week?

Linking up with Fitness Friday and Mommy Moments.


  1. Ahhh I want "More Run!!" with Eli!! :) I'm so glad Leo's back and that the little one is grooooowing! You're amazing - love you!

    1. You two will be able to "more run" plenty this summer! He's getting faster and his stride is getting smoother each week :) Though he still has one crazy elbow that wings out to the side... I love it! LOVE YOU!

  2. Found your blog from For Two fitness and so glad I did! I'm 29 weeks today, and I've been running regularly up until last week...I've started walking fast on inclines, everything is just so different! I love your story about share lots of hope for women that need it. I think sometimes, we feel that something is it isn't happening because of something we are or are not doing (like running too much, not running enough, eating soy...that was my concern); in the's all in God's hands. I read somewhere that pregnancy is our body's opportunity to assist God in a miracle. You look beautiful! Congrats mommy!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kristine, and congrats on your pregnancy!!! Only 10 weeks to go for you! It's crazy how fast 40 weeks can fly.

      I'm glad my story could be encouraging to you and other women. That year of TTC was definitely a rollercoaster of highs and lows. It's so hard to realize that we're NOT in control! I tried to think of everything that could have been keeping us from being pregnant again, but it in the end it just wasn't God's timing.

      God knows I'm not the most patient person in the world but I sure am thankful He's patient with me! His timing is always perfect and I am thankful for that! I actually read a quote similar to the one you mentioned - about God allowing us to assist in the miracle of creating life - in my "Christian Childbirth" book!

  3. I know I keep saying it to anyone that will listen, but I'm loving hot yoga!

    Have a wonderful weekend Amy and Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Thank you - so glad you found something you are so passionate about, Jill! Hope your Valentine's was wonderful!

  4. Amy, thank you for including Spiritually Strong in your "Five Things Friday Valentine's Edition" list!

    1. You're welcome, Kristen! I have loved your book and Bible study so far. It's helped to grow my faith and understanding of spiritual disciplines so much!


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