Baby #2: 26 Weeks

We're nearing the end of the second trimester and this Tuesday is a very special day for the big brother-to-be:

Mr. E is turning 2 years old!!!

We went on a family mini-vacation to a neighboring town and visited the local science center.  What a blast! Before we had taken our coats off, E was staring at everything there and telling me "Play, play!".

From petting snakes and watching tropical fish to blowing massive bubbles and flying an indoor hot-air balloon, there was so much exploring for us to do...

Baby #2: 26 Weeks

Baby's Size: A head of lettuce, average fetus size: 13.6 to 14.8 in, 1.5 to 2.5 lbs.

Cravings: The usual. Plus, steamed broccoli (with ranch, of course)?!

Aversions: Lately, going out to eat. Unless it's Erbert's and Gerbert's sub shop!

I'm Feeling: Baby is very active these days! Poor E has been fighting a cold all week and, while we were cuddling, Baby was actually "kicking" E. The sibling fights start early I guess! Had a great appointment with our midwife last week. Baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead but all is well. No UTI, no dehydration, looking good!

Sleep: I struggle with sleeping past 6:30 am, which is fine, but the problem is I'm ready to pass out for the night at like 8 pm. When I'm out, I sleep like a rock!

Weight: +17 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.

My Prayer for Baby: "Lord, as we are nearing the third trimester I give all of my worries and concerns to You. I feel tempted to worry about carrying our baby full-term, how the delivery will go and how we will adapt to having a new baby in the family. I know that You care about every aspect of our lives and that You will take care of our family in every way!

Prepare Leo, E and I to welcome this little one into our family. Continue to guide Baby's development and prepare us for a healthy delivery in a few months! Thank you, God, for the blessing of this pregnancy and for my supportive family. Thank You for knowing what we need even more than we know ourselves! Amen. "
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? MATTHEW 6:25-27
Last Week's Workouts:
Monday: 3 treadmill miles, 10:00/mile.
Tuesday: 4 snowy miles outside with our dog, 10:10/mile.
Wednesday: Strength training
Thursday: 3 treadmill miles, 10:00/mile.
Friday: 3 treadmill miles, 10:00/mile.
Saturday: Strength training
Total Mileage: 13 miles

What is one of your best birthday memories?

Linking up with Mommy Moments.


  1. How awesome, I'm just a couple weeks behind you at 24 weeks (baby #3).

    Good for you for keeping up with exercising. It's def. something I need to work on. We're currently in the middle of a major move (from the UK to the south of France) and it's challenging to fit in any exercise, but I know how important it is. Must keep myself motivated! :)

    I feel you about the sleep! For me it's this strange hour or two of super wakefulness around 4AM. I get such an adrenaline surge that if I wasn't worried about waking everyone else, I'd get up and clean the house. Heh! At least I get to catch up on reading, something that I rarely found time for before getting pregnant.

    Happy Birthday to your little one and best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy.


    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Marianne, and congratulations on your pregnancy! We are due very close to each other... which means baby is coming in not too long! Crazy to think there are only a couple months left already.

      Hope you can get some rest and adjust to the move before baby #3 arrives!


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