Painting, Books, and Running (of course)

It's been a great week of being home with Eli and spending time with Leo as much as possible. My mom has been helping immensely with painting and clean-up at our soon-to-be new home. I can't write much for now, but will finish up when the weekend is over. Eli and I are off to my homeland for my cousin's wedding. Leo won't be joining us because harvest is now up and running. I do miss him when the army and farming both take him away so often, but it could be worse and I do appreciate him working so hard to support little man and me!

Painting our "new" house is going really well and I LOVE color swatches. I will share the color swatches next week!

New Read

One of my sister-in-laws sent me the book "1/2 Price Living" by Ellie Kay. I read only a paragraph today, but am hoping to get through this book soon! It's full of great information for living on one income. I'll fill you in on the tips I learn in this book!

Have you heard of this book before? What are you reading lately?

Running Recap

M - 6 mile run with jogging stroller and Eli.

T - 4 mile easy run with the jogger part time and then with a friend's dog.

W - 6.25 mile tempo interval run.

H - 4 mile easy run with jogger and Eli.

F - 6 mile tempo run with jogger and Eli.

S - To be determined...

Total Mileage - To be determined...


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