Training Week 1: Not-So-Cool Running

Leo is on his way home today! Little man was SO excite to see his dad. Since Leo left two weeks ago, E is basically a new baby; one that loves to talk to blankets with patterns on them, sit in his bumbo seat, and wants to sleep on his momma at night (woops…). Now that he’s home, I can head out for training runs way early in the morning again and not worry about the heat! Leo and E can enjoy their mornings together and Leo can actually sleep, now that he’s done with the army til next month.

Marathon Training Week 1

E and I put in a few medium distance runs, did what we could but didn’t stick to the training plan completely. My main concern was to get the long run in at the end of the week. As far as official “marathon training”, this week has been hit-and-miss. I love that summer is finally here! But, the heat and humidity make it difficult to run with a baby in the jogger. 80°F and humidity may be considered “cool weather” for some areas, but it’s WAY hot for me! I don’t mind sweating my brains out and being on the verge of heat exhaustion, but I’m not willing to take a chance with my precious running partner.

What I’m Listening To

Married, getting married, were married, or want to get married someday? I highly recommend this series by Voddie Baucham, Love and Marriage. Listening to this helped me SO much to better understand marriage roles, the value of marriage, and God’s design for marriage. Voddie is an intense pastor, but he speaks straight from Scripture and that’s exactly what I believe!

"'The Lord told me,' is no substitute for 'the Bible says.'" - Voddie Baucham

Running Recap:

M – 3 mile jogging stroller run.

T – 30-Day Shred L3 + 1 mile jogging stroller run. HOT and HUMID! A bit too hot to have Eli out very long.

W – 4 miles with jogger and Eli. Still hot and humid, but not as bad as Tuesday.

H – 2 miles with jogger and Eli. The run was feeling good and hoped to get in ~6 miles, but a thunderstorm looming on the horizon chased us home. Not worth chancing it when Eli is with me…

F – 8 mile long run in 1:04 (7:59/mile). A good friend watched Eli while I fit in a long run!

S – 3 mile run with E and the jogger

Total Mileage - 21 miles

How do you handle running in hot and humid weather?


  1. Great job! I do not handle the heat at all. I didn't run this morning because I was cranky and went back to bed, and now I'm faced with running in the heat...making me more cranky thinking about it. lol Blah!

    I love Voddie Baucham. I have started listening to him again recently. I really like the multi-generational sermons. His marriage ones are very good too :-)

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! The heat definitely makes me cranky... I'm SO glad it's warm and we're finally out of winter, but the heat definitely does a number on your body.

      I'll have to listen to more of Voddie's marriage sermons. I listened to some by Paul Washer, too, and he is very similar. They are basically messengers of God's Truth and it's awesome!

  2. When we lived in Virginia, I'd run early in the heat and humidity. The days I didn't want to do it, I told myself, "Oh, think of how much stronger your body will be for running in it!" Sometimes, too, I'd shift my focus to enjoying the trail- picking out certain things, looking for eagles, stopping for a bit longer at the overlook of the bay.

    On some days, I'd actually run mid-day just to prove how "strong, tough" or crazy? I was.

    In Utah, I don't run so much in the heat, because the dry heat at altitude makes me nuts. There's no shade cover like I had in Virginia. Safety before ego.

    All the best in your training!

    1. Oh definitely, safety before ego! Altitude is such a killer... but I'm sure you have great scenery there :)


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