Chasing the Sunrise | BUFF® #LiveMoreNow Part 1

Disclaimer: I received three BUFF® products to encourage me to #LiveMoreNow as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!

My early morning mental dialogue goes a little something like this:
The 5:00 a.m. alarm is sounding.
"No thank you. Just 5 more minutes."
5 minutes later; it's time to really do this.
"Ugh. I'll run on the treadmill later..."
<mental image of treadmill running with kids all awake>
"Okay, yep. I'm out."
Getting out the door by 5:20 is my "run day" goal though after a spotty night of sleep with our 6 month old I struggle. (and sometimes baby has a different up his onesie sleeve and it's just not possible!)

Despite the kick in the tail it takes to get me out of bed, I have grown to really love the peace of an early morning. I lay my clothes out the night before (in a pile, not a pretty flat runner like below) to save on my "get ready time" before sneaking out the door.

And I mean sneak out the door literally. One peep too loud and our littlest, who sleeps upstairs by us, will be up and my morning run plan is shot.

My early morning gear varies to match whatever weather is coming our way. Now that it's May, I have been running in 30-50°F temps in the morning. A long sleeve shirt or light jacket paired with my BUFF® Polar Thermal Hoodie keeps me warm but not overheated. Shorts are my rule of thumb for +40°F and capris or full length tights for below that. Hats on a rainy morning. Headband or a hat in the wind.

Whew. Gear can really turn into a science!

If you've never heard of BUFF®'s Hoodies before, check them out. They are a handy tool for "hooding the hoodless" like my Boston jacket or long sleeve shirts with a heavyweight fleece material to make them extra cozy. With the right gear, I'm able to enjoy my time outside even when the weather isn't ideal.

BUFF® Polar Thermal Hoodie (Black) - $50

I'm up. I'm dressed. I'm out.

Once out the door, it's the smell of dew on the grass, the chirping birds, rhythmic steps and quiet conversations with God that I enjoy so much.

And this. How can I help but to fall in love with a sky like this?

Sometimes it's 8 speedy miles in before 6:30 am. Other times it's a relaxing 6 or less. That's the start to my morning as a mother runner.

At 6:30 a.m. I'm coming through the door to be greeted by lots of little faces, usually smiling, and my husband of course. I hop in the shower quick and eat a egg & bacon breakfast wrap that my husband made if I'm extra lucky! My hubs heads off to work at 7:00 a.m. and that's when the action really starts.

What kind of action, you ask? More on that to come next week! Stay tuned :)

#Gmas18 Training W12 Recap

Follow along the 16-week journey as I train for my 10th 26.2, the Grandma’s Marathon coming up on June 16, 2018. I look forward to running with fellow BibRave Pros Angie, Amy and Jenn!


Off. Nature walk at a nearby State Park.


Easy Effort 6.01 mi, 00:56 @ 09:15 pace feeling good after last week’s bigger mileage. This week is somewhat of a cut back before one more big one next week. Soon to taper and race!


(Treadmill) Easy Effort 5 mi, 00:46 @ 09:09 pace run in the afternoon.


Yasso 800’s 8 mi, 01:03 @ 07:50 avg pace, 800m intervals x 8 (@ 3:39, 3:39, 3:33, 3:35, 3:30, 3:33, 3:36, 4:02). Not sure what happened to that last interval! Woops.




(Treadmill) Easy Effort 5 mi, 00:46 @ 09:09 pace because I didn’t feel like waking up early on our 6th wedding anniversary! My hubs went to work for the morning, the kids watched a LEGO show while I ran, and we did manage to sneak away for a quick supper tonight. It was great!


Long Run 13.1 mi, 01:55 @ 08:47 pace with single stroller and our littlest. Everyone else was asleep so I took the little guy out for a few miles. He fell asleep too and those miles turned into a half marathon. Maybe he DOES like the stroller!


What is your trick to getting out of bed early? Coffee? Layout out your gear? A loud alarm?!

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I am always so impressed with moms who get up at 0 dark thirty to start running.I honestly never would have done that with little kids at home

    1. It's tricky to get out with our littlest being 6 months old, but I think it's good for my sanity! ;)

  2. I'm really interested in that Buff Hoodie for winter! I'll have to check it out.

    Great job on those early morning runs. I'll be doing some of that myself this week--I've got early start at work.

    1. Do check it out - it's super cozy, Wendy!

  3. I agree with the early morning running...all the tranquility as the outdoor world slowly comes to life is simply wonderful ;-)

    1. It's like a different world! So peaceful <3

  4. Early morning runs are the best. I miss them greatly! Very jealous.

    1. I hope you can get back it soon, Jessie!

  5. I have never been an early riser for workouts either, but I had a work schedule change for a few weeks that I had to be there at 8 so I'd be at the gym by 5:30. The first few times were rough, but then I just got in the habit of doing it and it wasn't too bad and I actually enjoyed it, knowing that I had already gotten a workout in for the day.

    1. Exactly! Once the habit is formed it's not so bad and it's much easier to get a run in first thing in the morning.

  6. I do enjoy my quiet early morning runs. It makes me feel I can tackle whatever the day brings too. However, this year I've struggled with wanting to wake up. I think it's amazing your breakfast is waiting when you get back! That's so sweet. Your training has been going so well. Thanks for linking.

    1. Those days when breakfast is ready when I get home are pretty amazing! He's a keeper :)

  7. It's funny - the only place I've seen the Buff Hoodies was Fort Lauderdale when all I wanted was one of their standard buffs, which they didn't have at the expo. Look forward to trying one next winter


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